Help please guys!

Mine was great when on the shakes its just since!! ill look out for that cheers hun..started taking vits today xxx
Try not to worry about it hun! Your body has had a huge shock being allowed to have food again. It's probably just trying to tell you it doesn't want to eat anymore, lol x
Lol probably..i have been a little naughty maybe thats my punishment!! Ok ok veg it is lol xx
Hi all,

Most of you have prob read before starting LT that a side effect can be hair loss?

Well i as most of you had no problem with this whilst on LT apart from the odd bits i have always lost!

However since refeeding i am seriously losing lots of hair:eek: I have spoken to fifi about this and she has experienced the same problem but does anybody have any advice or information for me?

I am losing a the point i can now see a difference in my hair, it looks thinner and i can see through a bit in places!!! I think i read a while back it could be vitamin deficiency..which would make sense after stopping the shakes and maybe lacking a vitamin now?

Going to put in my avatar soon to show how much i lost this morning.
Advice appreciated guys! Mini?

Hiya - a few of my clients have had this problem so I checked with CD medical person....apparently you are not losing any extra hair - the hair that's goin is the hair you should have lost while on vlcd (don't lose while on vlcd)....and when you start to eat again, the hair you should've lost over the time starts to fall's nothin to worry about and will settle....take keratin supplement....that may help....

Debz x
Cheers Debz but while it is growing and im still losing what am i left with?!!xx

No Lil just the samples..i preferred to refeed with shakes instead xx
Lol shut up you! xx
Orr dont worry too much hun, it will be back to normal again soon. There is a process your hair goes through (im a hairdresser) and dont wanna bore you with the science but it will be ok soon. God im not looking forward to that tho!!
But hey, if its the only downside to LT then its worth it!! xxx
hey rhian i like science?? I like to know the ins and outs of a cats xx
Trace that was quick, must have missed me! x
Lol i did honey...ran back cos i needed you! xxx
howmuch though? x
How much did i miss you? i ran back didnt i babe? xxx
oooeerrrr thats alot of hair hun....not looking forward to that!!! Hope you feel better now you had all the explainations xx
Hi all,

Most of you have prob read before starting LT that a side effect can be hair loss?

Well i as most of you had no problem with this whilst on LT apart from the odd bits i have always lost!

However since refeeding i am seriously losing lots of hair:eek: I have spoken to fifi about this and she has experienced the same problem but does anybody have any advice or information for me?

I am losing a the point i can now see a difference in my hair, it looks thinner and i can see through a bit in places!!! I think i read a while back it could be vitamin deficiency..which would make sense after stopping the shakes and maybe lacking a vitamin now?

Going to put in my avatar soon to show how much i lost this morning.
Advice appreciated guys! Mini?

This was my major fear. I have a bald patch (alopecia...about the size of a 10p at the back of my neck). Thank goodness it cannot be seen, but it really feared me when I first started Lipotrim. I spoke to my pharmasist about it and she guaranteed that this was due to this being a controlled starvation diet and that your body shuts down doing unecessary things...i.e producing new hair. My hair has gone a bit thinner, but she ASSURES me it will go back to normal within a relatively short time of eating normally agian. Maybe you just need a bit more time Trace. Whatever you do though, don't worry....thats what caused my bald patch and it is something I have to try and control, coz I'm feared it will come back (I lost it at 11 so it was 26yrs ago and hopefully that is a good sign). to have my date with both Sawyer and Jack now hun...catch up tomorrow.xxxxx
Well if you wanna know.....!
There are 3 stages to hair groth, Anagen (growing phase), Catagen (hair stops growing) and Telogen (resting stage).
Gonna copy and paste now cause its gonna take me ages!! Ha!

Anagen: In humans, this lasts for approximately 1,000 days, but can range from 2 to 6 years. During the anagen phase, hair cells grow rapidly, producing the hair shaft from the follicle, which itself grows deeper into the scalp. The length of your anagen phase determines the maximum length of your hair. So, the longer your anagen phase, the longer your hair will grow.

Catogen: The catagen phase only lasts for one to two weeks. It is the transitional or regressive phase. Essentially, it is when the hair stops growing. During this period, the hair follicle shrinks and part of it starts to die.

Telogen: When the old hair is in this phase, the hair follicle becomes active again and a new hair in the anagen phase develops, forcing the old telogen hair out. This is when you might notice hairs in the bath or in your brush or comb. At any one time, around 90% of most people's hair follicles are in the ‘growing’ anagen phase and approximately 10% are in the ‘resting’, or telogen, phase.

Noticeable hair thinning is usually caused by a short anagen phase and a particularly long telogen phase, which eventually leads to the hair follicles shutting down completely and the ending of their growth cycle.

So basically, when on LT, your hair goes into the Telogen stage virtually straight away and rests for all the time you dont eat so when you eventually have food, it then will go back to its usual cycle so will push all of the hair out it should of in those (in your case) 10 weeks. This is why you have lost so much hair. Its usual cycle will contiue and you, hopfully, should be back to normal in about 4-6 weeks!

Hope this helps hun!! Oh and sorry to people who it bored the arse off!! xx
Oooh thankyou honey youre like me and teeth! lol
thanks Shaz im not worried just needed to know really. I am reassured now!
Dont mention Jack and sawyer to me hun ive been catching up with the 3rd series every night but cant tonight as mums bf is here and isnt into not amused lol xxxx
Hello everyone! I am still here. I've been reading all your posts and achievements but have been sooooooo busy with wedding stuff that I havent had chance to say hello. You are all doing so well.

Tracy- I am losing loads of hair too. I am so scared, especially with the wedding coming up. What if I am bald by then? We started re-feed at about the same time and that must be why our hair is falling out at the same time.

Anyway, sorry I have deglected you for a while. I hope I am still welcome here?


P.s I am still losing by the way. Slowly but surely. 3 stone 5lb gone now! 9lb to go.