WOW cant wait!!.... have to start my essay now! and still have **** to do 4 psychology!
(know anything on the importance of birth order!???) so much effort! )
..... i know this week seems to have gone slower than the others tho!!... oh well mondays over... my cars coming on thursday!
im so excited so gonna end up sitting in it for hours doing nothing!
the pod yeah we were chatting about places and pod seems like a good one!!! haven't been there b4 and heard its good!
yeah im not sure ill be going out on Wed cuz i want to get my essay finished gonna try get some done 2day.... then lil 2moro when i get home from work placement!.... can then take the evening off and finish it off on wednesday!!! that way i dont have to worry about doing it last min!! (i hope) xxxx