
I rhink one cup of rice is quite a lot but it isn't too much for pasta or potatoes. Rice is suprising high in calories, I have some diet scales and when i was calorie counting was really supried how little rice I could have with my meal.
Well i only have rice about once a week so will cut the amount down, I also bought a smaller plate and that seems to be working out ok for me now, am full on less than i used to eat, so am pleased with that :)
I rhink one cup of rice is quite a lot but it isn't too much for pasta or potatoes. Rice is suprising high in calories, I have some diet scales and when i was calorie counting was really supried how little rice I could have with my meal.

1 cup cooked rice not uncooked, does that make any difference? x 216 calories and 2g of fat per cup cooked brown rice, is that ok for a meal like chilli and rice or curry do you think? Or too much?