Step 1 Sole Source Help!

Hi I've been doing the cd for 2 weeks now and have lost 11lbs so far! Anyway we have been trying for a baby for the past 15 months with no luck I was just wondering if anyone on here has been trying and fell pregnant while on the diet and did it help? This is my last chance at cd and trying for my last baby as I'm 35 I have heard stories supporting success and just wanted anyone's experience good or bad? Thanks
Hello! I'm doing Cambridge so that I can start IVF. Being overweight has been proven to be detrimental to fertility, and even a 5% weight loss can help. The closer you are to a healthier BMI the better your chances are of conceiving and having a healthy pregnancy, including the reduced risk of miscarriage. Fingers crossed for you and well done for the 11lb lost, it'll be worth it - stick with it! x