That's exactly right, Annya. I'm a stone less than I was in June. Mike, bless him, keeps calling me skinny because he knows how much I strive for it. I know I look better than I did but it's not how I want to be. It was discussed at group last night that maybe I'm so up/down all the time because my body is happy at 11 stone. I wish my head was. I want a BMI at a maximum of 24 purely so that when I'm married (in October) and Mike and I start thinking about a family, there will be no question of my weight being the issue if we have problems etc. Very negative way of thinking but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Anyway, Samsung are at work at the moment and are buying pizza for lunch. The way I feel about everything today I'll eat a whole on to myself. Oooh, orders taking place now. Let's test the will power to the max!!! Is it possible that I could refuse a free hign syn lunch?!