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Well done thats an amazing loss!!
Hey sparkles, we're exactly the same lol! I'm only half a pound ahead and the bottle of wine I'm treating myself to later could make all the difference!
I always lose big the first few weeks then it plateaus and stabilises to about a pound a week. Just making sure I keep up with it this time!
Sheanin said:Oh I had a proper treat night last night - just not bloody happy this morning as I asked OH for a wee lie in (I never ever take them and even when I do an extra hour is plenty) and DIDN'T get it cos he stayed up to all hours on a bloody computer game. Seriously pissed off, I get up every single day with the kids while he lays on, I do the schoolruns etc...then he says I only ever have to ask, so I ask and I don't friggin get!!! ARGH!!!! Don't get me wrong, he is very helpful in many ways but ffs, I just wanted an extra hour of sleep for a change.
Anyway, I'm not at all annoyed with myself for last night as I consciously decided I was really well due a proper treat. Had sticky ribs and a very small portion of chips for tea (less than a kids portion but it was enough), 2 glasses of wine, ONE bag of crisps and a few maltesers. Before SW, that would have descended into an all out bingefest during weightloss as I used to feel deprived. Not this time! I just thought yeah, I can have a bit of what I fancy, not a teensy tease of a taste but not insane amounts either...and I stuck to it. Once I'd finished I just felt nicely satisfied, like I'd had just enough. Didn't count syns as I know I saved over 100 since starting SW and it was my first real treat night (my treats are always within syns). That 100 easily covered what I had and of course I'm right back to usual plan this morning (except in a bad temper lol).
So proud and a little shocked I didn't binge...just goes to show how SW really does keep you feeling satisifed! Onward to next weigh in now, which will be late evening as I have a hospital appt with my daughter in the morning. Such a stressy week coming up...all day Tuesday in hospital too with her under GA having spinal traction films done. Just gonna keep my eye on next weekend and keep moving forward!
Sheanin said:ThanksI was really proud of myself, might not seem like a big deal but overcoming that urge was huge for me.
So this week is stress week but I am not letting it beat me! In the zone bigtime after a nice weekend, saw a 2lb gain on the scales this morning but didn't panic as I know it's just fluid retention. My recently placed implant likes to give me star week frequently lol; not worried about it as I've had it before and had 3 months of star week every other week before it settled down. Anyway I decided to tackle the fluid head on with tons of water, LOTS of walking (hit my 1.5hr body magic target already this week) and some decent food choices. Limiting the carbs a bit this week, they make my fluid retention much worse and I don't miss them too much as long as I have plenty of everything else and just a little of the healthy carbs.
Food shopping this afternoon, my daughter's hospital trip tomorrow (which I'm not dreading half as much now due to a massive walk to clear my head), free day on Weds, hospital again on Thurs morning (minor) and WI on Thurs eve all being well. Cannot wait for the weekend to get here and get all this stuff behind me!
Alrighty!! I assumed I'd be having an evening WI this week due to another hospital appt for daughter...I got it wrong! Appt is Tues so I can make my usual WI and class, yay!
Her day in hospital yesterday went smoothly thank God. I went to bits when she was put under (naturally, never gets any easier) but it went really well and they said the results look good i.e straightening her spine should be achievable. Double yay! She was a little pro about the entire thing, so pleased.
So now my eye is on the prize...I'll have been on SW for one month next week. My aim is for my stone award and silver body magic; I know I have the body magic in the bag but need a loss of 4.5lbs across tomorrow and next week for the stone isnt a big deal if I don't do it, it'll literally be missed by the skin of my teeth and thats ok.
Roll on tomorrow for an idea of my chances, then I'll be setting my november challenge!
Sheanin said:Yep. Definitely November for my stone award - just 1.5lbs off this week so still 3lbs to go. I'll get there, doesn't matter when!
What a bloody weird day. Had WI, felt fine. Did my shopping, felt fine. Stopped at boyfriend's mum's house, had a bit of a headache and felt a bit ropey. Assumed it would pass if I ate, so I did. Went to collect A from school and by the time I got there, felt absolutely wretched so collected N an hour early too so I could just go straight home. My God...had barely driven a mile and was at some traffic lights when I felt seriously, seriously ill. Really faint, lightheaded, knew I was gonna pass out as soon as the light went green and I had to move. Drove the car about 3 metres and parked up safely (shaking like mad), apologised to the girls as I knew I was scaring them and explained I was going to ring for some help. Only just made the call to boyfriend's parents before I must have blacked out for a second. His dad came and drove us home in my car and I had to lay down straight away, I felt SO ill. Not too bad now, but ****** it was scary. It has happened before but not while driving; seems I get bouts of low blood pressure that make me feel awful or pass out, then if I rest I'm fine a few hours later. Madness. Def seeing the doc about it.
Anyway, small loss this week, and I did just use the rest of my syns on jacket potato with cheese (Tescos) cos there was no chance of me cooking. Also tried some pie my OH made but it wasnt for me, barely had 3 spoonfuls lol but I'm definitely maxed on syns for today. No biggie. I've got stuff in for an awesome 100% week so no matter what my next WI brings, I'll have done my best![]()