Here i go...

Dear lord. Had some homemade colslaw today for lunch made with super light mayo and my god, My belly didn't like me for it. Been pooing like mad and have the worlds most disgusting wind ever. TMI? never mind, its not oily so im guessing I've not been tangod as such but crikey.

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I'm the same with any kind of Mayo - as soon as it hits my stomach I get cramps. Can eat a little bit of full fat salad cream with no problem though - I only have a little bit in a sandwich but when I've had Mayo it has normally been mixed with something so there was a lot more of it.
Think you'll probably agree, it's not worth it! x
pocket dragon said:
That's what i had.
today i have had 2 bagels
for tea chicken chips and beans. yummy.

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That's not much food & where's your fruit & veg & breakfast xx
My thoughts exactly where's the colour in your food day.. Tomatoes, red peppers, orange carrots, GREEN salad and veggies..
I was having a lazy food day!
today has been
cereal and skimmed milk
spaghetti on brown toast with ham and a cheese triangle
tea a sainsburys cottage pie from the bgty range.

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Veggies??? Salad stuff, broccoli, crunchy fruit?? Strawberries, satsumas, kiwi fruit??
broccoli and peas. :)
and some grapes, but not together obviously coz that would be odd.
Im going to Bognor tomorrow to Butlins for an adult weekender. Bring on the Trumpets!!!!!

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Well after a weekend of none stop binge drinking i actually didn't go to the burger king. so impressed with my self, apart from 4 chips and a hot dog I've done really well.
Back on the wagon as from tomorrow and without my beloved orlistat. I only have 10 tablets left. Gulp.
pocket dragon said:
Well after a weekend of none stop binge drinking i actually didn't go to the burger king. so impressed with my self, apart from 4 chips and a hot dog I've done really well.
Back on the wagon as from tomorrow and without my beloved orlistat. I only have 10 tablets left. Gulp.

Wondered where you'd been. Well done for avoiding BK!!!! Onwards & downwards Zoe xx
Missed u x
pocket dragon said:
Thanks guys.
Well weighed myself today and lost a lb so it just shows you can still get stupidly drunk, dance like a loon and still lose weight :)

Well done, the twice I've been hammered & danced like a nutter I've lost too, maybe I should do it more often x