Hey booksandbacon,
How are you going?
Your work sounds fascinating and really worthehile. I saw a tip the other day about shirts and putting poppers on the inside so they don't gap. Even though I'm fairly average I still have that issue so much so I don't tend to buy shirts. I felt a bit "duh!" when I read that - so obvious!
Have you looked at places like Bravisimo for shirts for larger busts but more fitted/shaped waists etc? There are a few others that cater for larger breasts without being "tenty".
If you're so inclined it's reasonably easy to take shirts in on the sides too.
I'm really excited to start seeing wide leg trousers coming back into shops. So much more flattering and would look fab with a shirt. Plus, depending on how wide you get your legs, they can be as comfy and forgiving as pjs. Win! Although, I hate tight pjs so I always buy a couple of sizes too big (then spend all my time pulling them up!).
Lots of reasonably priced leather jackets about as well at the moment.
Do you think if you started your work wardtobe now (without spending loads) that it might help your motivation? I gave in and bought a few bits and peices and although it is a waste of money, it has helped me psychologically to start wearing clothes I feel more comfortable and "me" in. They were from ebay becauae I don't mind secomd hand and always feel a bit weird about places like Primark but obviously didn't want to spend loads. It has really helped me to see the difference.
Last week I forgot to update but I maintained. Someone I hadn't seen in a while commented that I'd lost "loads" of weight, then quickly backtracked that he wasn't saying I was big before but... I was too busy laughing to help him out of the hole he was digging!
When I was sorting my work clothes out I tried on a skirt which had always been a little big and it wouldn't stay up! That felt good. I may have done a silly thing though and bought a couple of items that don't fit. One will fit within a coupoe of pounds, the other is more of a "long term project". I feel a bit silly buying the second item but it's done now and I'll feel fab when it fits. I can do it up3 - just not move!
21.04.17 I couldn't get to normal group so went yesterday instead. It's amazing how motivated I am to not spend £5 on nothing! 2lb off.

So back to having lost over 2st. I also realised that another 1.5lbs and I will weigh 10st something! I started at over 13st so big grin. Husband said "but it'll still be pretty much 11st". Helpful. But that is my next goal. My next weigh in is Monday (normal group again) so I won't lose that in 3 days but the week after I WILL.