Here we go again!!!

can't believe how fast a year has gone by
this time last year i was week 4 RTM and panicing about what i would eat whilst there

this time its pear cider and delicious food all the way - then back on packs on monday to compensate and to get sorted before my holiday to spain!!!

ot the right attitude maybe, but ive been sooooooo looking forward to the weekend and was soooooo good last year i'm going to have a planned 'break' from watching every single thing i eat and drink!

hope everyone is getting on OK

daisy x
What about sitting on the shoulders Daisy? Is he up for it again this year?
I know you will have a fabulous time whatever. xx
Have a fab weekend Daisy - will it feel like Glastonbury without the rain and mud though?!!

Good luck going back to the packs too - I'm back to healthy eating and LOTS of exercise now. I'm sick to death of "dieting", so I'm trying to make food less important, and just have a little of what I fancy, rather than all of it! :eek: It's a struggle :rolleyes:

Anyway - enjoy! xx
glasto was fab!
went back on packs yesterday - want to do 4 weeks then the 10 day re-introduction
wish me luck!
hope everyone else is OK
Daisy x
I wish you luck Daisy xx:)
How's the packs going Daisy?

Hope you're managing well. I went back on packs yesterday to lose a wee half stone. Not sure how long I'll do it for.

Good luck!
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its going OK cheers

was a bit 'hungry' today, but hopefully should be in ketosis tomorrow

i want to do for 4 weeks - already stuff is coming up - 2 BBQs at the weekend, night away at a conference with dinner on wednesday...hmmm its tougher than first time, my will power is not as good as it used to be, lol!

good luck with your packs

daisy x

PS is your ticker up to date?
No, I must go and get it updated.

My weight yesterday was 9st 10, which gives me a BMI of 23.5, not horrendous but more than I'm comfortable with. My favourite skinny jeans show a muffin top over the waistband....:sigh::eek:

Edited to say, that's it updated now...:)
hi - will do mine in a min- or might wait til weigh in tomorrow!
I'd like to get back down to 23 bmi if I can

scales showing a loss this morning start of day 4 - hopefully the glyco all gone now and some fat burning can begin!

daisy x
well the theory hasn't worked.
my gran passed away suddenly lst night - we were really close.

have eaten all day

Sorry to hear your news Daisy. Try and be strong.

I'm so sorry Daisy xxx
Thanks guys
Just got back from weigh in - have sts - so no harm done really.

i am back on track today, fully abstinent. Think I just needed it yesterday and it did make me feel better when I needed it - i just don't need it anymore as i know it will make me feel worse long term.

Still feel very numb.

Daisy x
I know it's a horrible feeling, my Nan was my mentor, but you're doing well.

Hugs to you.

Good luck Daisy, stick on track - you know it'll work & don't worry about the speedbumps along teh way, slow down, take your time to get over them and focus on teh journey ahead :)
hi all
and so it goes on....
2 weeks in spain, just got back. we had a fab time, really sad to be back.

I took shakes and bars with me - and bought about half back.

Ive put on a couple of llbs - but would have been much much worse pre LL

I wore tankinis without too much embarrasment and I have come to realise that mybody is not too bad any more - though I still want to lose and stabilise about 10 lb lighter. It does seem to be getting a bit easier a year on maybe...

hows everyone else getting on?
daisy x
Hi Daisy
Welcome back. Isn't it nice to be a little more chilled about all this? xx
Hope you had a fab time.
hmmm a bit too chilled sb!

been messing about with packs and eating, its not good so....

started back in abstinence on monday - has been fine.

i am doing 4 weeks def - then poss another 3 or go onto the 20 days re-feeding

i have to get this stone off before xmas!

i can't seem to do it by conventional methods - so its back to full abstinence i go...

how is everyone else getting on....?

daisy x
Hmm... It gets me thinking. If you can't do it by conventional methods, what's to make you do it by the LL way? It's not easy. We kid ourselves in thinking it is.
Emotionally I don't think your mind is in it. Or your heart. Re-evaluate yourself, because you may very well be wasting so much energy on worrying about your weight that you're missing your life. Stop worrying, get on with things and take each day as it comes. There is no magic target, there is no deadline.

Why and WHO said you need to 'get this stone off' by Christmas? Why? Who's going to judge you? WHY should anyone judge you? Look at your successes - NO ONE CAN SAY ANYTHING TO YOU, but BMI is NORMAL (or as close as is). You are no longer BMI 33 and you KNOW you will never let yourself get back there. You are a maintainer. YOU ARE. Slips and bumps are natural - as exhibited so brilliantly by me. I've come to accept such things WILL happen. I can't be 'stick thin' and think I can keep that. Hell no. But it will fluctuate.

I'm a maintainer because I will never go back to the same weight I used to be. Or even half of that. Neither will you. So stop obsessing over 1 stone because that's silly. Eat normally, stop pushing extremes (which are mentally exhausting and challenging - and in the long term very DAMAGING) and STOP STRESSING OUT OVER IT!!

Sorry to be so blunt :p I woke up at 6 so I'm still a bit grumpy and have no room for diplomacy. Maybe it will provide with a small kick up the backside to get you thinking. I'm being honest. Personally I've had such kicks up my own backside and they've been the most useful of all.

You are fine. Seriously. A stranger wouldn't think twice when looking at you now. So what's the problem?