Gold Member
Keep posting food updates on here even if off plan- it'll make you feel guilty for the naughty binges
but also give you an idea of just how much you are eating when you have a bad week, which can be an eye opener.
Pah, group isnt needed, this forum is way better! Just hide your scales and choose one morning a week to WI before breakfast.
Find some nice things that are sw friendly to keep you on track and put the effort in to try and stick to plan a whole week. Starting is like quitting smoking- the first week or two is difficult and full of cravings, but I found that after 2 weeks there wasnt much I was missing as I was finding ways to encorporate things I liked into the plan. Fill your house with tasty stuff, oranges, strawberriest, highlights hit.chocolate, light whipped cream- creamfields is 6.5 syns for a whole cannister! I like to just spray it.in my mouth when I want a treat as the light stuff.is actually nicer than the full fat- same texture but sweeter! Allowing guilt-free treats is vital, it is really hard if you havent got sw friendly ones knocking about!
Anyway- good luck! Once you get into it things will be easier. X
Pah, group isnt needed, this forum is way better! Just hide your scales and choose one morning a week to WI before breakfast.
Find some nice things that are sw friendly to keep you on track and put the effort in to try and stick to plan a whole week. Starting is like quitting smoking- the first week or two is difficult and full of cravings, but I found that after 2 weeks there wasnt much I was missing as I was finding ways to encorporate things I liked into the plan. Fill your house with tasty stuff, oranges, strawberriest, highlights hit.chocolate, light whipped cream- creamfields is 6.5 syns for a whole cannister! I like to just spray it.in my mouth when I want a treat as the light stuff.is actually nicer than the full fat- same texture but sweeter! Allowing guilt-free treats is vital, it is really hard if you havent got sw friendly ones knocking about!
Anyway- good luck! Once you get into it things will be easier. X