Here we go again !!

Ive been hungry all week ( in my head) today is the first day ive not struggled and the scales aren't moving, I know I shouldn't weigh I'm not getting on now till Monday as its depressing me lol x
Must admit I get on scales every morning need to get out of the habit I feel thinner so maybe not weighing at all would help cause if I got on and weight was same I'd feel crap if that makes sense !!!!xx
Well feeling crap today coming down with a cold and scales have barely moved all week so not looking forward to tomorrow how you doing? Xx
Wishing you all the best of luck on your journey not that you need it as you seem to be doing great!
Well done.

M x

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Oh no Kirstie hope u feel better soon must say I'm struggling this week will find out tomorrow think I've only lost 1 lb :( xxx must keep going !!!
Only 1 1/2 lb wanted more need to drink more water and have missed a few pks as wasn't hungry total loss 8 1/2 lb in two weeks sounds better if I say it like that xx
Confession time I had a chocolate bar ( galaxy ) why I don't know everyone else had one I did enjoy it but felt crap afterwards why after I stuck to it for two weeks NOT HAPPY WITH MYSELF :( :(
Oh dont beat yourself up zoe its just a slip not a fail. Just got straight back on it. Its my birthday Friday om determined to srick to plan I just hope I can do it xx
Aww hun bless ya tis kk js jump rite bk on it trust me u will b fine :) there wil come a time where u wil find js smellin the food is nuf lol tht kinda helps me at times with the odd cravings i at times get lol n keep picturig urself at goal hun wev all ad blips hun uv done well n u r doin great so far xx
Thankyou xx have come down with a horrible cold now lost my voice ache all over haven't had any shakes yet going back to bed with some cold and flu remedy !!xx
Also was looking at new things to eat on slim and save did u know we can have 100g value chicken In sauce and cod in butter sauce now ?? Looking forward to getting some xx
Yes a lot better thankyou xx I made it at lunchtime when I had my other shake Will have it this evening and let you know just fancied a bar of chocolate and thought I'd give it a go xx
This weeks been hard trying my best cross with everyone eating nice things around me and feeling resentful !!!!xx