Step 1 Sole Source Here we go again..........

Wow Nikie 9lb is amazing for your first week! And katsparkle 33lb in 4 weeks!! Wow! I hope I can lose even half that much in 4 weeks, that's great! Well done everyone!
Hello! I'm still here! Day 10! Just been manic at work!
I'm starting to feel a bit thinner! My clothes are fitting better. Still impatient to get into the size 14s though! Xx
Aw man I know how you feel, I'm impatient to get into the 16s! That's my usual, "comfortable" size. I'll feel a lot better about myself then. But I know it's gonna take another stone and I'm so impatient! I want it to all fall off in a week! Even though this diet is faster it still takes way too long! Just gotta be patient though and remember it will happen, it'll just take time. Urg!
i cant wait til i can get rid of all these horrible sacks that i wear. i cant wait til i hit a comfortable 18 because then i will really notice. and be able to start shopping in "normal shops" instead of the shapeless shops for fatties lol. I still have a shape even though im overweight so it winds me up.
That's fantastic that you're feeling the difference already! It's great because I know I think "It's working!!" Haha when you get little results like that it does give you the encouragement to keep going.

I also understand Kat about the "big" shops. They think if it just hangs or has ruffles that no one will notice that you're big. It just makes everyone 100x bigger! Definitely need a good designer for larger women!
I'm feeling very impatient tonight! Wish it were this time next month....can't wait to be feeling that amazing!!!
Hi girls

Also back after success / failure on Cambridge! Stuck to SS for 13 weeks in 2012 and lost 4 stone, and after two more attempts on and off I've gained 2st 4lbs of the initial 4 stone loss. I'm hoping this time is my time!

Will read everyone's great posts for a distraction when I need it!
I so agree about "big" shops, it's so hard to find something flattering when you're over a size 16. I live in Hong Kong so that makes it even harder. I very rarely see people above a size 10/12 and most people look like they're size 6/8. So the shops reflect that. Even the clothes that fit, look odd coz they're not designed for my shape. I have a tip tho ladies, I've found 50s dresses are perfect for when I'm larger, because they fit around the boobies and waist and flare out over my larger bottom. Anyway, in a few short weeks/months we will be in size 8s, 10s, 12s or 14s, so no more big shops for us :)
Hi Jo, well done for coming back and for your loss last time. I've regained from weigh watchers last time, so I know how annoying and frustrating it is. At least you have restarted before gaining it all back though and you know you can do it, because you have done it before! Good luck for your first week x
must be hard being bigger in hong kong, i know when my husband was over there he had to buy xxxl t shirts and he is a uk medium lol.... everyone is generally more petite.

I have started certain rituals like washing and moisturising twice a day, my skin has never looked better anyway due to all the water i am drinking but i am paranoid about getting a flabby saggy face after i have lost all my weight lol. so i put full make up on daily, normally i dont bother. also started tying my hair up, normally have it covering my face, trying to do little things that make me more confident so that I can keep going. its not hard to do, but what is difficult is being round other people. last night i was at my writing group and they brought out loads of gammon chunks cooked in cider and roasted potatoes as a treat, but lucky for me I had my last shake in my bag (purely by accident) and i sat sipping on that instead. god i hate people!!! lol
That's a good plan re looking after your skin better....just 11 days in and I'm already getting positive comments re my skin so I'm up for improving even more!

I'm still impatient, but soon enough I'll have done 14 days and that's gone quick so hopefully the next 14 will go just as quick and before I know it I'll be fitting into my smaller clothes!

Still very motivated and now have a lot of staff at work behind me! They won't let me cheat even if I wanted to ! X
the second two weeks flew by for me, i have almost done 5 weeks i cant believe it, i didnt think i would even make it through one lol.

yeah im just trying to do little things to improve my confidence, every little helps, i know if i come off this diet it will be a confidence thing rather than a willpower thing, i know i have willpower
You know what is so strange should make more sense for me to want to make an effort with my appearance when I'm bigger shouldn't it?! Trying to make the most of what I have....but I really don't make an effort then!

When I'm feeling slimmer and better I start doing my nails, make sure my hair is always washed and full make up on.....I feel prettier when I'm thinner. I can't wait for my face to be thinner. When oh when will I see a real difference!! Xx
You're right about Hong Kong, all my work clothes are xxxl and they only fit coz they're stretchy lycra dresses! Makes me feel sooo good wearing them! Luckily I can wear my own clothes most of the time. But I'll be glad when my work dresses don't cling to every lump and bump quite so enthusiastically!
Oh and you're right about people! People are awful diet saboteurs! In my school they're always bringing in sweets, it's so annoying! Also today was the birthday party(we have one each month) and they offered me a piece of the kid's cake! This was the first time I've been offered a piece and it just so happens to be when I've started this diet... thanks guys!
It's a good idea to do little things to look after yourself. I hadn't thought about the health benefits of all this water, but it must be good for our hair and skin! I've not drunk this much in years!
Oh and I'm glad to hear that the second 2 weeks fly by. I have to say it does feel quite comfortable doing this diet now. It's second nature to make a shake when I get up and mix a soup for lunch. I even look forward to my evening shake too! Hope it stays like this. My only worry is my holiday next week and nights out :/
Nights out are hard. I'm not a big drinker anyway but people are always suspicious of that. If I felt like a
Drink now I would have vodka and diet coke as vodka has one of the lowest sugar contents. I'm just trying to be prepared for when I'm faced with situations where I have to eat or drink because I know they will happened. I'm pretty well informed on low carb food so it shouldn't be too bad.

Away this weekend, my whole family of in-laws are going for a big meal so I offered to babysit the little baby ones so I don't go to the restaurant. I can resist everything except temptation!!! Lol
So....second weigh in tonight! Will report back here later! Have had two SS+ days so hopefully will still see good results!! X
Hope you've had a great loss Nikie!