Hi everyone. Not sure if I'm posting in the right place, but ive just this second joined the site and finding it a little confusing navigating around.
My name is Shakira, and I'm 22 from England, Surrey.
Ive just started on a new weight loss journey and am finding it quite difficult.
I used to be quite small a few years ago (around a size 8), but put on a lot of weight during college and after starting a new job.
I did manage to lose 2 stone a couple years ago for my brother's wedding, after doing the atkins diet. I managed to stick to it for just over a month, as me and my mum were doing it together, amd it worked wonders for both of us. We both lost weight and felt AMAZING! But my mum then moved away and I moved in with my sister, so I didnt have the motivation with me anymore.
I put on a little weight, but lost some again when I went through a split with my boyfriend. I then met my current partner and became so deliriously happy and comfortable with he fact that he loved me no matter what my weight was, that I didnt focus on my weight. We went out to eat a couple times a week, take out on another night , aswell as unhealthy lunches and snacking. Im now the heaviest ive been. I know im not huge but I dont feel comfortable in myself and want to lose weight so that i can enjoy this summer comfortably with my boyfriend.
I currently weigh 180lbs, a UK size 14 and i want to lose 42lbs.
I find it VERY difficult to find and stick to diets as most of them dont fit my schedule or bank balance. I would try atkins again as I know it worked for me but I miss carbs too much to stay away from them without having the added motivation from my mum.
Can anyone reccomend a diet that would suit someone like me with a short diet attention span and not an awful lot of money to spend on endless ingredients?
I need the support and motivation from others going through the same thing, for me to succeed. So I'm really hoping that this site and all you lovely people can help me

Sorry about the Essay! X