Good morning, raining here, depressing! On a happier note, down 1/2 lb. No bp this morning yuk. But had an omelette made with butter and a cream coffee with coconut oil, so had all the components of a bp.........
Made tea to take with me to work tonight so all organised... Chicken, cauli mash and yummy cheese sauce.
Aw bad luck with the rain, we have our sun backhehe won't gloat too much x
Mct is apparently 6x stronger than coconut oil, in for a penny etc. Love to experiment x
Ordered it last night, supposed to come Monday...... X
Been such a busy day at work, have hardly eaten grrrrr. My husband phoned to say he'd opened my amazon package and my "energy oil" had arrived. Hello it was my parcel. Tee it's supposed to be tasteless so you can add it too anything x