Hi everyone im back chunckie chez

hi kym i feel like i have gone full circle now hit the black hole climbed out went back down then climbed out on new years day lolol glad your feeling better to love x x xx x

Just keep climbing! Up, up and away :)
Hi hun hope you are doing ok my lovely? xx
hi girls so not been around well no move on the scales but im not going to fall apart about it im still staying strong and fighting on with the weight loss been talking to hub today and we both said i have a really bad relationship with carbs i love it never realized how much till this week so i think im going to have to look at my diet in a big way and see if i can cut them out or have less of them blooming hell be like coming off the cigs all over again rofl honest thinking about it makes me want to cry hahahha
well woke this morning and i feel good and relaxed was dreaming of courgettes and healthy foods so im doing something right lol was laughing my head off
week off so im going to see how strong the will power is this week well first day of no carbs see how i manage x x x x x
Low carb can be great hun - and there are a few alternatives to them - eg, potato mash - replace with cauli/sweet potato/squash mash. Rice - use cauli rice. And so on xxx
Low carb can be great hun - and there are a few alternatives to them - eg, potato mash - replace with cauli/sweet potato/squash mash. Rice - use cauli rice. And so on xxx
I can second cauli rice, just blitz cauliflower in a food processor then microwave (covered) for about 1:30 - 2 mins and have with curry or chilli and it's just like rice :) x
Low carb can be great hun - and there are a few alternatives to them - eg, potato mash - replace with cauli/sweet potato/squash mash. Rice - use cauli rice. And so on xxx

I love sweet potatoes. There meant to be a lot better for you. My friend who does Paleo is allowed to eat them.
Never tried cauli rice. What is that like? x
I love sweet potatoes. There meant to be a lot better for you. My friend who does Paleo is allowed to eat them.
Never tried cauli rice. What is that like? x

I didn't know that about sweet pots! Oops...

Tessa - I love cauli rice, it's almost nutty flavoured, great with curries :)
im going to try the cauli the low carbs today went out of the window had a slice of bread but all the rest healthy stuff i been dancing around tonight doing some exercise i have never laughed so much my belly going 1 way my boobs the other lolol im not cutting it out totally i just want to have it at weekends not in week as i love bread and need to learn to curb it lolol belly dancing had nothing on me tonight what a sight lolol but who cares im on my own room doing it not hurting no one x x x
Sounds like you had a great time :D And the courgette dreams too :8855:

my mum loves sweet pots but I'm not taken with them. I'm quite looking forward to trying cauliflower rice though (there's something I never thought i'd write!)
LOL at the dancing - it's so brilliant when you get taken over by a song and the need to just dance! :). As you say, sweetie, who cares - just live in the sheer joy of the moment :D
