Ok here i am back again after not being around since the begining of August. Ty to all of ya who have posted and wondered how i was or where i was lol.
I really hit a bad time when i was told by the surgeon i was not phyisically or emotionally strong enough to undergo wls and i hit an all time low and am only now resurfacing again.
It has been a hard 3 months and i think the only thing that has got me out of my bed and trying again is that Aaron started college in September and i could not be the reason why he did not go to college as he was so worried about me.
So i have decided to come back yet again to this wonderful place to see if i can take things day by day and slowly and try to make changes to my life. I rejoined ww on tuesday and weighed 27.8 which was no shock to me.I have been invited away in april to the canary islands with aarons girlfriends mum and dad and i really would luv to go so i am hoping this will be an added incentive for me.
I am still on anti d tabs and painkillers for my sicatica but have cut them down from 8 a day to between 3/5 per day.
I have hardly left the house at all in the past 3 months maybe just to go shopping and thats if i have someone with me thats how low i have sunk.
I am now trying to at least go out for a small walk each day with my 2 gorgeous dogs even if its only for 10 mins as i cant manage any more than that as my back pain is 2 bad.
I am also going to enroll on a new" it course" next week so at least i make an effort to go out and mix with others.
I know i cant let my weight carry on ruining my life and its down to me but i find it very hard when i go places and people make it so obvious they are staring at you it makes me feel so ashamed of myself.
Going to get aaron to take some pics of me today so i can post them and also compare them as i go along month by month.
Have to go and get some housework done Ebs and Tia have just come in from the garden and left muddy footprints all over my lounge floor