Hi everyone 
Im starting Slimming World, as I have a couple of friends who have lost a couple of stone each and they recommended it
I would be doing it from home, as I just moved house so I don't have very many pennies available 
I used to weigh around 10st 5lbs before I went to Uni, but now have rocketed up to 14st 2lbs and I want to lose at least 2 Stone
I feel sluggish, bloated (and very wobbly
) I have joined the gym, and endeavor to go at least twice a week 
So this is a 'Hi !' to everyone, and hope that everyone's weight loss is going well
Emily x
Im starting Slimming World, as I have a couple of friends who have lost a couple of stone each and they recommended it
I used to weigh around 10st 5lbs before I went to Uni, but now have rocketed up to 14st 2lbs and I want to lose at least 2 Stone
So this is a 'Hi !' to everyone, and hope that everyone's weight loss is going well
Emily x