Hi, just starting Slimming World from home, never done it before!


Hi everyone :)

Im starting Slimming World, as I have a couple of friends who have lost a couple of stone each and they recommended it :) I would be doing it from home, as I just moved house so I don't have very many pennies available :(

I used to weigh around 10st 5lbs before I went to Uni, but now have rocketed up to 14st 2lbs and I want to lose at least 2 Stone :) I feel sluggish, bloated (and very wobbly :p ) I have joined the gym, and endeavor to go at least twice a week :)

So this is a 'Hi !' to everyone, and hope that everyone's weight loss is going well :D

Emily x
Hi all, joined sw fri, but always done weight watchers before so a little unsure on few things, could u tell me if pastas a free food or should I be using syns for it also is bacon free. Just hope I'm not eating too much, never ate like this with ww
Thx alot Kate x

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Hi all, I'm new to sw, always done weight watchers so alittle unsure on few things, wondered if you'd help pls, is pasta free foods or should I be using syns for it and also is bacon free. Thank you Kate x
Hi ladies, im new-ish too! Done it before and ended up switching to something else. Im back now and get married in less than 4 weeks, My dress fits perfect, but I have gained a few lb the past few weeks so would like to get the 3-4lb off before I go, then carry on with SW when I get back to get to my goal :)

Kate - Pasta is free, Bacon is free if u cut the fat off (I think anyway!!) Not got my book to hand!

Hi Katie dried pasta is free on ee and green. Note not fresh pasta that contains syns. Bacon with all the fat removed is free on ee and red, I tend to get the sainsburys bgty medallions they have had the fat cut of them for you. Sure other supermarkets do their own versions but that's where I hop. Good luck. I tried WW once and find sw so much easier
Thanks everyone :D feeling nervous but can't wait ! Thinking of going on the ee plan as I've never done slimming world before, so I'm sure i will be asking loads of questions :p
Hi Everyone, just started doing sw on my own to ,done it a while ago and did ok at class so hope i can do it myself . everyone seems to be friendly and helpful on here so lets see how we all get on:)
Im.doing ee, fits in with my lifestyle so much better!

Gonna make a huge pan of Tuna pasta tomorrow yum xx
Hi and welcome. Definitely the best decision you've all made, to start SW. Another brilliant decision is to come on this site. It's really friendly and informative and you'll never be stuck for what to eat. I also do EE, just because it's so flexible and you don't have to worry about combining meats with certain weights of potato, pasta, rice, etc. Have done Red and Green in the past though and they also work really well but just prefer EE.

Anyway, good luck to you all and keep logging in. x

Deffo think ee fits in better :)

Ahhh I love pasta but my fave is jacket potato I can eat them till there coming out my ears lol xx
Thank you, think I'll be better when I've got my head around it still learning about things at mo. It's great am able to come and chat and find support and advice on here, so pleased i found it :) Can anyone help with recipes or ideas as I seem to be living on chicken, scrambled eggs and toms lol xx
Im such a plain Jane with my food!! I live off meat salad and any kind of potatoe lol doesn't help im.an awfull cook!!

Gonna make spag bol tonight I think :)

Thx kathy, just want simple and easy recipes to fit round kids an activitys lol. I don't like to have other foods with me not being sure if there free or too many syns lol. Can anyone tell me if stirfrys are free bought few from Asda but not sure if free or not xx