Attack Hi Newbie Question..Ham

i'm still in cruise - just over 6lb to go now, but i've dropped about 3.5 stone so far.

would be good for you to update your user cp with your details if you can so we can see how much you have to lose & your height etc.

definitely weeing more these days, but i know i'm drinking a lot more water than i used to - it's nice knowing you're keeping your body well flushed out i think
I tried to do my profile earlier but it wouldn't met access it. Will try again tomrrow. Also congratulations on your weight loss you must be so happy with that :). X
awww now i feel bad :cry:

To you long term dukaners is it better not to have ham or is it just that when you started ham wasn't allowed? i can see how annoying it must be to have one set of rules that you have followed and done really really well with and then along comes Mr Dukan and moves the goal posts!
Hey Jezzebell, just read through my book (vs. the coaching) and I can see why we are all flipping confused! On one page, he says "NO PORK" and then seriously, 2 pages later he goes on and on about how great lean ham is!! Isn't ham pork?? Too funny. It sounds like he likes the lean ham for us quite a bit as its leaner than some fish, he says... so go for it and enjoy!!