Hi newbie starting on Monday any advice/ diet buddies?

morning all! :) How are you today?
day 6 for me, and think I've got the hang of this now!! got my choc shake and 'mocha' with me as I type, and can def recommend adding seasoning to the soups if you're using them - certainly the tomato...
Keep up the drinking - all that loo time will be worth it!
Anyway! have a good day and I'll see ya later X
I had a lovely lie in today, haven't had any packs yet just water and Dr pepper zero. Am working from 2:30 - 10 this evening so as haven't been hungry I decided to spread my shakes across my shift as late shifts are always harder as its not quite so busy and that's also when others tend to bring themselves munchies in! So have been shopping and am armed with Dr pepper and coke zero to see me through. Have an awful, awful taste in my mouth today. But am a little warmer than yesterday.
Hope everyone else is good too
Miss Magic
Hope the shift wasn't too bad and you are having a restful morning.
weigh in tomorrow?
have a good day :)
Mornin :)

looking forward to your weigh ins tomorrow :)
I struggled last nite a bit with the hunger , OH didn't help any by munchin into the Saturday nite pizza and ice cream for afters but I held in ther

day 4 :)

all the best to everybody today
Weigh in tomorrow, looking forward to it I think....
Last night wasnt too bad thanks. On a double shift today armed with 3 shakes, water and Dr pepper zero. The 2 men I am on with are both dieting so shouldn't have any problems today, it's when I am on with the girls its worse as there is always someone who has the munchies due to it being their TOTM! And we have a pregnant girl who is constantly eating sweets, chocolate etc.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday.
Hi ladies. I've just found minimins and it is so great to know you are out there! I started Exante total on 6 Oct and have about ten stone to lose. I don't get on with the soup but love the shakes warm and the porridge. Has anyone had the burst of energy I've read about yet? I've a weekend in Manchester with friends on 30 Nov and would love to be 2 stone down by then. Good luck everyone .
Hi angel x welcome

only on day 4 but unfortunately no burst of energy either ,,,,, yet
fingers crossed it happens soon :)
Wish you all the best in your journey
Hi Janice , thanks and good luck to you too. I don't think I hit ketosis until day 5 but stopped feeling hungry when I did. I'm a shift worker so that's probably why I'm looking forward to a bit of a boost. Out with friends tomorrow. Sparkling water all the way! Have you a Christmas outfit already in mind ?
Welcome angel and best of luck!
Thanks Diva. Race you to the 100lb mark ....
Oh Christmas outfit ,,,, I really just want to fit into my old clothes first ! Lol after putting the weight back on I have living in leggings !! Grrrr

It will be so good to get my jeans back on and a can't wait :)

just need the hunger pains to go away now :-(
Leggings! I've just bought my billionth pair to go with my thread bear sloppy jumper :) I found a dress in my wardrobe that hasn't seen daylight for years so that's my goal for next month. I'm aiming to get my jeans over my bum by Christmas. Good luck with yours.
Awe angel , I miss my jeans so so much ! Look at them occasionally but thers not a chance I could get them fastened :-(
but I'll get ther ,,,,,, infact we all will ! :)
Well done you for sticking 100%. I'm right there with you on the cold, yucky taste and tired. I work long shifts too. How do you spread your shakes out to cover a night shift? I don't have any in the day at the moment if I'm on nights but 3am is a killer. Good luck for tomorrow.
Janice you will hear me sing when I get my jeans over my hips, heavens knows what I'll be like when I get them fastened but we will! Soooo excited ...
Hi Angel,
I'm lucky as Deputy manager I don't work night shifts unless we are desperate as there are lots of support workers who are happy to as it pays more than their own wage (and less than mine). Am on a long day today as have a staff member on suspension for threatening to have my car smashed in! Had one when clients had breakfast (choc/vanilla hot), strawberry whilst they ate a roast and cold choc/vanilla for tea, getting hungry now but am armed with a glass.of water and filling out support plans while colleague sorted supper