Hi on week 10 but new here! Need to make diet buddies!

Hi everyone!

Im on week ten now of Atkins and people are starting to notice!!!!! What I'm really missing though is some great diet buddies so I'm wondering if I can join in with you guys! Xx
Hey im glad people are starting to notice means your effort is paying off! :) Im on week 3 of atkins (phase 1) and am finding it really good at the moment granted a few cheats here and there though mainly because im with friends but trying to stick to it as much as possible.
I can be a diet buddy if u wish :) be nice to talk to someone whose on the same diet and starting out on here same as me :) xx
Hi! I'm on week 10 too!! I haven't been 100% though and still trying to get a Good run of induction going! I'm 19lbs down which is great but I could've done better!!! So back on 100% induction today!!! Xx
I love the idea of atkins myself... because although ive not been following ritually ive lost 10lbs in under a month which is good... for me anyway haha
Hi, I'm only just into my second week but I've lost 8lb already and my clothes are feeling looser. Can't believe how good Atkins works if you stick to it 100%. For those of you who are in latter weeks, how long did you stay on induction for? Or are you sticking with induction for the majority of your weight lose? I don't want to move into phase 2 too soon but I'm so excited about the thought of berries and nuts! x
Congrats :) you've done really well. I'm loving atkins and surprised I'm not missing my carbs too much. I'm planning on staying on phase 1 for a few more weeks to drop some more then move to phase 2 and gradually add things to my diet! Well done! & keep up the good work xx
Waves hi at Cirsty, Kimmi and The Dream! I did Atkins about ten years ago and lost 5 and a half stone so decided to give it another go! All going well, feeling so much better and much happier with what I see in the mirror. I'm not weighing, I was too chicken to get on the scales!! I've done induction all the time during the ten weeks, I prefer to limit my carbs, sometimes it goes over a bit but hey!! Roast chicken, mashed caulli and broccoli for tea! What u all having? Xxx
Ah yes, scales are the work of the devil if you ask me. They don't always reflect what we've actually lost as obviously they tell you your overall weight water, muscle and whatever else included. I tend to go by how my clothes are feeling on me and what I see in the mirror more than what my weight is.

Check out the What's for tea thread, to find out what people are having. Im planning on putting what im having every day on there :) x

I'm just starting my second week on atkins, I did it over the summer and lost nearly a stone but it's found it's way home. I'm hoping this is the start of a permanent low carb lifestyle. I did lighterlife and exante previously but it just made my tendancy to binge eat worse. I would like to lose around 3 stone and maintain but still enjoy food along the way. :)