I went today on my own to the gym I was so proud of myself, I did 15mins on the bike with the arm things as well and I walked a mile on the treadmill, not totally amazing but hey I'm 22stone I can't expect miracles haha!
Off to aqua Zumba tonight BEGGED my mate to come with me which she hummm'd about for ages! I just didn't wanna go on my own I didn't know what it was like, her answer to everything is 'its stupid' she really didn't wanna go but I said please I need support to. I'm paying for her to go too. She thinks SW, the gym and aqua Zumba is all stupid.... She mocks everything and laughs at me doing things

but actually she told me I looked like I was losing weight.... Think she was mocking haha as I've only lost 5lb LOL. Anyway will tell u how I get on shortly! Xxxxx
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.''