Only stumbled on this site today.
Been thinking for a VERy long time that I need to lose weight, generally whilst putting it on!
Suppose I should give a bit of background, really.
Just over 3 years ago I was in pretty good shape. Playing football and training regularly, I was slim and actually had a six pack.
Then I finished uni, traded my bar job for an office job and suddenly found I didn't have the time to dedicate to fitness.
Decided to join a gym for the first time ever shortly after I began feeling out of shape, but haven't ever been massively dedicated, though. I tend to get home from work and sit in front of the TV whilst contemplating what to have on this evenings pizza.
I've subsequently told myself I need to get in shape, pretty much every Sunday for the past two years after a Saturday night on the booze.
Come Monday lunch time I tell myself that I'll start tomorrow, and so the cycle continued.
After numerous 'false starts', I've decided that I really need to do something. I've gone from being able to buy nice clothes to having to look at the ends of the rails where they keep the 'odd sizes' - although this is a benefit come sale time, as nobody wants trousers that fit me!
I'm currently weighing in at 17st, I'm a shade under 6ft 3, so whilst I am fat and heavy, I carry it reasonably well. I just look 'big' rather than 'big and fat', although I fear I am falling into the 'big and fat' category, which is why I need to do something about it.
I've started playing football again, just 5 a side once or twice a week, but it stems the boredom of a running machine!
Going to hopefully make a concerted effort to get my 'fat ass' down the gym much more regularly and try to get back into some serious shape.
I have little to no clue about diets, and slightly less will power! Hopefully I can combine a slight reduction in food and better choices with upping my gym time, that way I won't be walking around in a bad mood from lack of food all day long.
I have noticed that in most people's diet trackers they seem to lose a hell of a lot in the first couple of weeks, 10lb in a week seems insane, how is this possible? If someone could enlighten me here, I would be eternally grateful. I'd love to be sat here in 7 days time 10lb lighter!
Any words of advice or encouragement would be much appreciated. As I'm sure many of you are aware the idea of dieting/losing weight tends not to be something deemed 'manly' by a lot of people, so it is a difficult thing to discuss in person with those around me. Hopefully I can use this forum for that sort of thing though.
Nice to meet you all, in a virtual sense of course!