Honk day 8
Jessie 888 one life only 18 June 2011 #2,402 Honk Day 122 despite drooling over cookery programme this morning!
S Sunnyskies Member 18 June 2011 #2,403 willowfire365 said: Honk for day 144! X Click to expand... Wow that's amazing! I'm only on day 4 and finding it really hard :-/ I'm craving naughty food so much. Still, need to see the reward at WI but have to wait until Wednesday Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
willowfire365 said: Honk for day 144! X Click to expand... Wow that's amazing! I'm only on day 4 and finding it really hard :-/ I'm craving naughty food so much. Still, need to see the reward at WI but have to wait until Wednesday Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
H Harry's Mummy Member 18 June 2011 #2,406 Honk! We've been to a BBQ as well today. Last edited: 19 June 2011