Honk day 15...
Pink_ladybug Slimming for my wedding! 17 February 2011 #1,504 Another tough honk from me. Last WI tmrw then refeed on Saturday!!!!!!!
winters_daughter Full Member 18 February 2011 #1,511 On day 4 and 100% and will continue to till the end
Thornhill Cate 50+ and fabulous 18 February 2011 #1,514 Honk day 19, just. Shouldn't have watched Cookery School this afternoon!
Yeye Silver Member 19 February 2011 #1,516 I keep forgetting to honk :-( So here's to week 6, day 2 @ 100% HONK!!!
J Jewel83 Full Member 19 February 2011 #1,517 I'm like you Yeye - keep forgetting to honk!!! 60 days 100% including my birthday yesterday Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
I'm like you Yeye - keep forgetting to honk!!! 60 days 100% including my birthday yesterday Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Foo Fan Gold Member 19 February 2011 #1,520 Jewel83 said: I'm like you Yeye - keep forgetting to honk!!! 60 days 100% including my birthday yesterday Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins Click to expand... WOW 60 days - that's amazing!!!!!!
Jewel83 said: I'm like you Yeye - keep forgetting to honk!!! 60 days 100% including my birthday yesterday Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins Click to expand... WOW 60 days - that's amazing!!!!!!