Honk honk for day 17!!!
K Kayroo Full Member 12 January 2014 #704 Honk for day 2! Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
slim_and_happy Silver Member 13 January 2014 #712 Honk Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins.com mobile app
Spanglymum Gold Member 14 January 2014 #715 What happened, clinquant? Great that you managed it but sounds like you struggled. Were you tired? What's the acronym? HALT? (Hungry angry lonely tired?) i hope today is easier for you xx
What happened, clinquant? Great that you managed it but sounds like you struggled. Were you tired? What's the acronym? HALT? (Hungry angry lonely tired?) i hope today is easier for you xx