Silver Member
Still doing pretty crap on the diet front. Have pretty much put back on everything I lost. Damn bingeing!!!
Finding it impossible to get back on track. I know it's because things are a bit hectic for me at the moment with college, I'm coming and going the whole time so I can't get to my exercise classes, I cant put the same time into cooking healthy food, I'm often not at home in the first place so I'm just grabbing crap while driving, and I'm stressed so I'm comfort eating. It's going to be like this for around the next 4/5 weeks, and then my traveling, etc.. Will be over and I should be able to get into a good routine again. I'm going to have to ask my gym to put my membership on hold as its such I waste of money when I can't get to classes. But I don't want to wait 5/6 weeks to get back on top of my diet too!! So I'm just basically trying to figure out what the hell I should do...don't know whether to go back onto the plan I was following during fitcamp (3 meals a day, no carbs) or go back onto WW for that time to give myself a bit more flexibility.
Sorry for the rambling!
Sorry for the rambling!