Just came across this thread. I know it hasn't been touched in a while but I'm looking for some advice in terms of gaining back my confidence with riding. I had a nasty accident a few years back, smashed up my ankle, broke my collar bone and suffered trauma to my spine. Until the accident I had been a keen rider and horse owner for about 10 years, and did alot of competing and eventing. I lost my horse in the accident to a broken leg and due to my injuries I couldn't ride for a good 18 months - 2 years, now I'm better starting to plod around on some friends horses, got as far as doing a few strides of canter. I really want to start hacking out over the next few weeks before I go back to Uni, but as my accident happened on a cross country course I'm completely terrified of leaving the psychological 'safety' of the arena. Any advice on how to boost my confidence and get my myself back out there again? I really really want to get back into it properly again