(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
What's OSS?! how could 3pp fill ya for the morning?? I'd be in a heap xx
Oats So Simple
What's OSS?! how could 3pp fill ya for the morning?? I'd be in a heap xx
Oats So SimpleIts Porridge so it's Slow Release, the other day I didn't eat lunch till nearly 330! I make it with Water as too much Milk sets my IBS off. X
Always wondered what OSS wasand do you buy different flavours or just add different toppings? I make porridge with water too, just to save points really
It's rainy cold and miserable here today and my boss has man flu... I can feel myself getting snots alreadydidn't have time to make a lunch this morning as I was stuck to the bed.... Shattered I was!!! Looking forward to a massive fire tonight and chill on couch
haven't even thought about food
Today so far I've had 6pp for brekkie, had 9pp for lunch, a chicken salad roll.. Dinner was 8pp chicken potato and veg with gravy.. I've had 7pp of chocolate already and genuinely feel like lying on the couch munching chocolate for the night... I've done no exercise and have been thinking that I've actually done no cooking or meal planning in about 2 weeksmam has cooked for me but I just feel like I'm slipping a bit when I used spend hours cooking and baking
That's what weeklies are there for!wish I had my mum cooking my dinners. I work lates 3 days a wk all live off ready meals when working. Much prefer home cooked like. the m n s meals fuller for longer are yummy n actually do what they say xx
Yeah I suppose... I've college tomorrow night 7 to 10, and she will have dinner there for me!! And 1 stick of time out, only 2pp.. Coulda been a lot worse!! Thanks Kez!!! Might even get off my ass and put away the 3 baskets of laundry on my floor nowxx
Hmmmmm.. I wonder can I get them here?? Where do you get them? xx
This is my last post for the evening, finally off the couch but have to add my propoints cos i just ate like a pig!!!!!!
Brekkie 6pp
lunch 9pp
dinner 8pp
chocolate before 7pm 7pp
After 7pm i had 1 digestive 2pp, 1 stick of time out 2pp and 1 ww jaffa cake bar 2pp grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
Dailies 36/26
Weeklies used 10/49
Weeklies left 39/49
AP earned..... NONE!!!!!! uuuuggghhh so annoyed with myself!!
They sell them in all the Supermarkets, do you have any which are the same as us? Think you have Tesco? X
I sure do, i might have a look.. I love my brekkie and feel it sets me up for the day but am gonna have to reconsider some options as my lunch is nearly 10pp most days too.. really annoyed with myself today :break_diet:
But I was trying to save my points as this is a bank holiday weekend here xxDon't be so hard on yourself Jo Jo! Everybody needs a 'Day Off' and this was yoursWeeklies are there to be used, plus you still have 39 for the rest of the week
But I was trying to save my points as this is a bank holiday weekend here xx
Is it? I didn't know that! 39 should still 'buy' you some Yumminess. X
it sure is.. I'm just back from a walk, earned myself 3AP.. really chuffed with myself now, was thinking of joining a gym for the winter but Mam was just asking me where in the name of God am I gonna pull the time to go to the gym from.. It's just an hour out of my day to do a walk/ jog near my house but the dark nights are drawing in and the clocks are going back soon enough too... I'll just have to stick to my schedule a bit better for the next week.. rooted out some porridge recipes here to do for now, one has grated apple in it, I might do some stewed apple too to have with it.. gonna do up a massive salad for my lunch tomorrow, will save at least 4pp as I wont be having bread.. that walk did me the world of goodxx