Silver Member
Yay to smoking ... I'm sure it'll get easier the longer it's beenx
Hope so!!! Will catch up on diaries over weekend
Yay to smoking ... I'm sure it'll get easier the longer it's beenx
Still off cigs!!!! Food has gone totally haywire this week... Afraid to go to WI yesterday.. Which means inevitably I'm on the way to another crap week :/ xx
Still haven't weighed!! Was to run yesterday.. And weigh.. But Pa was over and tbh we were having too much fun to WI... Think I may have to move my goal to DecemberAw bless yabut your off the cigs, it's obviously guna be a bit of a stressful time for ya honey ... Your doing well .. X
Gonna write up today's food before I get too carried away... Brekkie 4pp Porridge Lunch 6pp Ham, Cheese & Onion Sandwich Dinner 12 A massive stew... And a slice of bread to dip inSnacks 4pp Some rolo bar Dailies used 26/26 Weeklies used 0/49
Yummy day! Like the sound of the stew & breadxx
It was well worth it haha.. Here reading a book contemplating bed.. Have Brekkie and lunch sorted for tomorrow so far.. Are you working tomorrow? xx
Oo brillforward planning is good Jo
Yep, I'm on a 12-9 tomou? X
Am on 8 to around 3 and back to college for 7... And actually tomorrow I'll go for a walk between 3 and 7.. Instead of 'de-stressing' on the couch for 3 hours as I like to call itI'm finding that without proper exercise I'm starting to forget things... It's like my head isn't getting a proper clear out lately... xx
Wow, exercise = brain food .. I like your thinking .. Very sensible .... X
Am doing everything possible in order not to study today!!! Was given a day off work as things didn't really go to plan and am trying to do some study.. Even contemplating doing the ironing!!! Have taken out lunch, dinner, tomorrow's dinner.... Haha Brekkie 6pp Boiled egg & soldiers Snack 0pp Grapes 2 nectarines Lunch 6pp Mozzarella, tomato, ham, pepper quesadilla Dinner 10pp Chicken, broccoli, baby carrot puff pastry pie This planning out meals may actually work!!! Now to go studyhope everybody is having a good day xxx