Well that was an interesting week

I decided that I couldn't mentally cope with the whole 'hit and miss' nature of trying to maintain the way I was doing it and that I needed a framework, at least until I've worked out roughly what a maintaining 'diet' should look and feel like - so I've spent this week serving the portions that I largely wanted but weighing them and logging them on MFP to calculate calorie intake.
Once I'd got over my shock at just how many calories there are in fruit and protein (and adjusted my portions accordingly lol), it felt wonderfully 'in control' and I've certainly stressed about it less

I aimed for 800 calories a day and ended up averaging around 840, thanks to a salmon overload lol - which showed a 2.5lb loss for the week (some of which is due to actually going to the loo before WI for once I think). That takes me to 2.5lb under my 'head target', so I'm happy with that

This week I'm aiming for 1000 a day as my baseline and will see what that shows at WI next week.
I'm almost expecting to maintain on that - I have a feeling that my BMR is in all likelihood shockingly low at around 1200 calories a day, so I'm going to tread carefully while I work it out ... I have to say though that, even though it's not SW (though I'm still eating along SW principles which basically means lots of superfree veg), the lack of guesswork has made it feel like a weight has been lifted and, even though it
sounds like a lot of obsessive hard work, I'm actually obsessing about food much less, because there's some quantifiable structure to it and I'm so much less stressed about what the scales are going to show