I love places by the sea where you can buy loads of fresh fish. Cornwall is one of my favourite places

Sadly here in Peckham I can only buy fish at Morrisons (where it's boney and not always fresh) or at one of the stalls (which have flies over them and where I'm not sure whether it's ethically fished or not).
Yes, just want to reiterate that avocado isn't really a hex. But I don't like to count things that are actually quite healthy as 'syns', especially now I'm at target. I know syns don't really mean 'sins' but the connotation is still there! That's why I allow myself half an avocado as a hex now I'm at target - and I think it would be a healthy way for someone struggling to stay at a high enough weight to get some calories (if she liked it!).
I found that when on strict SW I was getting hardly any good fats (always used my hexB for breakfast bread, and my hexAs for cheese) and I think long-term that is a big concern - it was the major thing highlighted as missing in my SW diet on my nutrition course. I do get issues now if I eat a lot of olive oil or something, which I've heard can be due to the gallbladder getting out of practice. I have a touch of osteoarthritis so am keen to protect my joints.
Nowadays I'm more relaxed about hexes - I have about 4 a day (mostly doing Green days with some fish) and I don't pay too much attention to what they are, but I do check that every day I have some protein, fibre, healthy oils and calcium (whether that's from fatfree yogurt or milk/cheese).