Reading all of the above posts has really struck a chord with me...
I haven't been to group for 3 weeks now, mainly because I know I haven't stuck to the plan. I weighed myself yesterday and was horrified to find I actually weigh more than when I first joined!:cry:
My biggest problem is willpower - I have none.
My house is full of chocolate - has been for over 2 weeks now.. my birthday, my OH birthday, easter and today with the royal wedding (party) - each occasion over the last 3 weeks has brought a mass of synned food into my sights. I haven't been able to resist any of it but regret every mouthful I have taken. I have exactly 12 months to lose at least 4 stone - I want to be slim(mer) for my 30th birthday...This is becoming increasingly unlikely if I carry on the way I am doing!
Every day, for the past week, I've said "today we'll start again" and by evening, I've completely blown it!
Reading the posts above has actually made me realise that I can do it and I will do it. I yearn to be slimmer, that my uniform isn't so tight that I have to wear my baggy jumper over my shirt...even when it's hot. To wear vest tops without the need to cover my arms
All I need to do is find my willpower now... Think I need to find that inspirational photo to stick on my fridge!