How do I beat (or at least control!) my chocolate demon?!

hello! saw the thread title and thought there might be some pearls of wisdom for when my time comes!!

My friend, a bride to be and chocolate's biggest fan, and decided that a good way of beating the chocolate cravings is to get a tupperwear box, pop in some grapes, and crumble a chocolate flake on them, then freeze.

Apparantly is does the trick and its only a tiny amount of chocolate, on fruit!

havent tried it myself as she only told me last week and i'm still doing TFR!

Whatabout a options hot chocolate drink, could work only 40 kcals. I've a few for emergencies. Worked when I did WW. (Usually the belgian flavour one)
oooh ... now sarah that has tempted me!!! :drool:
Could you make them cold with ice like the LT shakes? Now that I could handle!!
You could always make it hot then leave it to cool? maybe?! lol
I am desperate for a mars bar or kitkat ooohhhh!
2 stick kit kat is only 107cals ...
Those 99 cal dairy milks that Summer mentioned do the trick for me.
Or a little Freddo bar. I don't buy chocolate in thought cos if it was in the cupboards I would succumb to my cravings far more often.
Often, if it's 9 o'clock at night and I'm craving chocolate the thought of traipsing out to the shop stops me caving in!
Always have a couple of sachets of options in the cupboard tho.
Problem is, I don't suppose you can avoid having chocolate in the house if you have kids can you?
I know the 70% stuff is bitter, but it does seem to give me the intense chocolate hit when required, maybe a couple of times a week at the most. And the most I have ever consumed in one sitting is 4 squares!!!
Still on LT, but hopefully not far from re-feed etc.
In my head I was thinking going 5+ months without choc, that perhaps I would be able to avoid eating choc, cakes etc when i go back to eating. Is that a possibility?? Or am I being unrealistic?? I thought if I dont touch it, it is one less thing to overindulge on??
Yep, maybe you are being unrealistic! I had the same thoughts 'oh ive gone 21weeks without it i dont need it i can live without it' but it takes a very very long time for us to address our 'bad' eating habits. cutting something out completly isnt always a good thing, everything in moderation is the key :)
What her above me said .. ;)

Sometimes if you 'ban' something it just makes it more attractive and not having it can feel like deprivation which in turn can lead to eating all around the 'thing' then eventually eating it anyway!! Allowing yourself a small amount is best if you can manage it. I know though, there are those for whom a small amount triggers off a binge on it. So I guess it's about finding out what's best for you.
Unfortunately it does seem like, although we feel that as we've not eaten for so long we can manage without, when we do eat again it turns out to be more complicated than that. It's not something to worry about, just to be aware of.

Best of luck!! xx
Thanks folks. Will cross that bridge when I get to it I think. At the moment, even though really miss food at times, enjoying not have to worry about what to eat and knowing I will be loosing weight each week!!
HER?!!!!! :giggle: