At the risk of being really boring I want to ask for advice once again.
Our elderly friend is improving and feeling much stronger, though still unable to do much for herself. She has allowed Paul to continue cleaning and clearing house and garden and to go to her every day to care for her and her ailing, old cat. I only go 4 times a week now but take her and her friend out for a run in the car and lunch, once a week. Paul goes after he has finished work, does her a hot meal and leaves her something cold for later.
She had agreed that it was time to sell up, the house is too big and inconvenient for her so we have arranged for an estate agent to sell it.
Up to now viewers have been to see the house when I have had her out. Paul has been there to let them in.
Today there are people going to see the house but Paul can not be there so I have to go which means she has to be there.
Last night she phoned me and threw a complete wobbly and was quite rude to me, telling me if she wanted to rot in her own home she would do. She asked me to cancel the visit but calmed down after talking to her for a while. I understand her fear of the unknown and the sadness of leaving her last link with her late husband. It must be terrifying for her.
She really hurt me. I am not looking for medals, but she seems to have forgotten that we have put our lives on hold for her for the last 6 or 7 weeks.
She is still in touch with John who shouted his mouth off to someone that if it had been left to him he would have had S.S. called in and had her put in a home. When I tried to warn her she jumped down my throat in his defence. I know she still speaks to him every day and am sure she has had him round to the house. What she does is of course her business and we can only protect her so much. It worries us that she keeps all contact with him a secret. We hear from someone else about the contact.
I give up. I feel I do not want to do anymore at all for her. Just want to get on with my life. I feel sad that this old lady is going to end up very lonely and penniless. She only has her house, it is her only asset. It should be sold and become a fund to make her last years comfortable and enjoyable. It would be ridiculous for her to die in poverty when she is lucky enough to have such a valuable asset.
The problem is, I know she is still not able to care for herself and no matter how I feel I can not see her struggle. How would she shop, clean, cook, look after the cat etc. etc. We do everything for her.
She has 2 hospital appointments next week and of course it is down to me to take her. No one else has offered. How could I leave her now, even though it means I lose a days work, if I don't work, I do not earn. She needs me as transport, as an interpreter and it would appear as a general dogsbody. There is no sign of John when anything needs doing.
Please try and help me . I am in despair. At the end of my tether.We are worn out trying to run two households and care for her. If she showed any sign what-so-ever that she was happy with what was being done for her it would help a little.
I know I should walk away, but I just can not. I would have it on my conscience for ever if I did.
I am so tired I am weepy and fed up with the constant battle with her. I really want to run away.