How do you make your shakes/soups

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Do people use a shaker or a blender to make up their shakes?
And it says hot water for the soups, do you use tap water (if you have a combi boiler) or boil water and add cold to it/let it cool down?
Thanks :)
Didn't know you could heat the shakes. Need to try that. Just started six days ago so still new to all of this. I make the shakes with nearly 300mls of water, add loads of ice and drink with a straw so I can't smell them!
Oh gaaawd are they that bad? I'm starting tomorrow so I hope I can stomach them, it's like marmite, some people love the shakes and soups others hate them with a passion lol
I made a vanilla one this morning with hot water and a spoon of coffee and it was disgusting. Couldn't get rid of the lumps and they all settled on the top.... the first couple of sips were like drinking sick
PhatAss said:
I made a vanilla one this morning with hot water and a spoon of coffee and it was disgusting. Couldn't get rid of the lumps and they all settled on the top.... the first couple of sips were like drinking sick

What did you use to make it?

Good evening!

Just wondered if anyone had tips for making and seasoning the soups. Day 14 for me and been on shakes and bars. Got soups today so going to have one later.

Thanks :) x
I use black pepper,chilli flakes and a little bollion for my soups :)
I stick black pepper in all mine, makes them nicer I think :p
Thanks guys, just away to try one. Do you microwave them or just add hot water as per the packet?
I just add boiling water. I pour the boiling water into a shaker and then pour the powder in slowly as I'm stirring. Give it a good stir and then add the seasoning. Pour it into a bowl and away we go.

Just had my tomato and basil and feeling nice and full.
Wasn't convinced about the soups at all.......but just had the chicken one and loved it! Creamy and like a curry. thanks for the advice x
I love the chicken too, I add some cayenne pepper to give it an extra little kick.
i can't stand the mushroom one at all :/ but the others are palatable once i've poured looooads of cayenne pepper in. but then, i love hot spicy food so i could eat anything with cayenne ;)
Might sound like a silly question, but what sort of chilli flakes do you guys put in and where do you get it from? I'd love to start adding things like that to my soups!
Think I am addicted to the Tai chicken..... Just had my second one just now!
Just wanted to share this with you guys. I bought a tub of Bouillon today - GORGEOUS. So, I added a bit to my mushroom soup (1tsp) to see if it helps, and oh my word. It has made it SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you struggle with any of the soups, and you are a fan of Bouillon, I recommend adding 1tsp to the soups and its just gorgeous!