Your daily points are 32pp (and then 49 weeklies obviously)
Difference is you're only 20 and I'm guessing the other users mum isn't 20 lol. Older = less pp unfortunately for some ladies...
Hope that helps x
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laurieee:) said:lol very true! she wishes she was 20! i just calculated mine and its not what i've been told at my meetings?! so confused! everyone at my meeting seems to be on 29pp xxxx
That's strange. You wanna gimme your details and I'll see what my calculator says to be sure?? X
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laurieee:) said:Thank youi'm 20, 5'1 and I started at 11 stone 8lbs xx
ianrush9 said:How many would I be on please - I am 38, 5ft 1 and 9st 8lb. thanks
Choccieholic said:Hello, can anyone tell me how many pp I should be having? I am 23, female, 10stone, 5ft 2 and relatively active (I run at least twice a week). Thank you!