How much weight is a dress size?

Can't wait to drop a dress size, three weeks in and i've lost 10lbs. Wearing a size 16 at the minute, which i find depressing at only 5ft 1. So far no noticable difference but i'm hoping to be a size 12 by my 30th birthday in May! From the previous posts i'd say i need to lose at least another 2 stone... Can it be done????

I'm 5ft1 too and started off size 16, now I'm 14 on the bottom and can fit in to some size 12s on top. I'm aiming to be a 12 for my b'day which is two weeks away, I might not make it takes me ages to shift weight off my bum and hips.

I think you can reach it for your b'day you have a month and a half before May starts and if you stick to plan I can't see why not. Are you just dieting or doing any exercise? I always try to aim for a brisk walk for about 30 mins a day.

BTW good luck Skinhead
I've lost 5 and a half stone now, starting at just over 24 st.

I was busting out of size 30's so stayed in those for a fair bit and then bought a few bits in size 24/22 at the 20 stone mark at Christmas.

I've started excercising now and that has made heaps of difference.

I went to Matalan yesterday and was in a 18 top and 20 bottoms although the bottoms were a smidge tight but the 22's were way too big.

I think there is alot to it with height and where you carry your weight and how musclely you are.

I'm currently 18 stone 7 and 5 ft 5
I'd say 1 stone per dress size too. I used to be a size 10 and 2 stones lighter. I'd love to be a size 10 again, weight doesn't really matter to me as much!
An update on my own post.

Since I wrote it, I have lost 2 stone 12 lbs and have gone from an 18 (tight) to a 12 (not tight).

So I guess it is about a stone a size for me - am now looking at getting to a 10. Stopped dieting between Nov and March and put on 2 lbs, but have started dieting again and have lost the 2 lbs. Hurray!

Oh - and I walk the dogs every day up a huge hill, pilates once a week and zumba or exercise class once a week - that has definitely helped as I am quite well toned now.

Would love to get into the 9s!!
Well done. Around about a stone seems to be the average. I need to think about it...i'm not quite fitting into a 14...16 fits comfortably...i was a 22 when i started and lost not quite 3.5 stone. Yeah so about a stone for me is right too, by the time i get to 4 stone those 14's might fit me...half a stone too go xD
1 stone per size for me, i think but i tend to be a smarmy cow and was a size 14 at 12 and 13 stone, im 14st 8lb and size 16 so im guessing ill be a size 14 at 13st again, but ive had a kid so everyones different! my hips are deffo two inches bigger (i mean the bone part not the flab haha)
I'm 5'9", what weight do you think I would have to be to fit into a size 10? Difficult question I know, but I'm not sure if my target of 10.5 stone would get me there? xx
It really depends how much you've got to lose to begin with. I started out in size 20-22 at 18st.... and am now 15st 1lb, and size 18. No major size droppage, but I have a long way to go. If I lost a dress size with every stone, I'd be in a size ten at 12 stone :p
jo_1991 said:
I'm 5'9", what weight do you think I would have to be to fit into a size 10? Difficult question I know, but I'm not sure if my target of 10.5 stone would get me there? xx

I'm 5"10 and I weighed 10 st 10 and was a size 10. So you should be fine :) x
I have lost 12lb and my clothes are definatly looser but aint dropped a dress size yet, However i did squeeze into my trousers and they were very tight so maybe it will take a little longer x
it depends, my friend lost 2 stone and 2 dress sizes, ive lost 1 stone 3 and still not dropped a whole dress size!! it all depends
It took me about 1.5st to drop a trouser dress size which is what i aim for since i carry it around my bum and legs - the weight just falls off my waist - so far I've lost 2st 2lbs but I think that in another 7lb loss I'll be ready to move into size 14 trousers since they are getting quite loose, I do hope after that I can loose a dress size every month x and as it's been said earlier the first size was the hardest to drop for me since I had worn the 18s in refusing to accept I actually needed a bigger size x
I think it depends on the person. Kinda depends on the shop too.. When I was 8 and a half stone I could fit into a size 8 in most shops. But in others I was still a 10.
It was about 18lbs for me before I could fit comfortably into the next size down, I could squeeze myself into it after losing about 12lbs. xx

It's different for everyone though, I weighed 19stone 11.5 lbs at my heaviest and was wearing a size 20 pants and 18 on top, I am 5'6". My friend weighs 14stone and she is only 5'3" and she wears a size 22/24 :eek: it's amazing what a couple of inches can do to somebodies dress size. Also people carry their weight differently as well :) xx
for me the prob is the variation in clothes size. at the start i had one pair of size 16 jeans and the rest if the time i lived in stretchy leggings so no real size. i have lost 1 stone 2 lbs and i have a pair of 14 jeans that fit comfortably another pair that i can only just get on but then i have a pair of size 12 jeans that i can just get on as well. however if u look at the sizing guides on clothes websites the measurements say i should still be wearing a 16. very much confused so trying to focus on what fits rather than the number on the label
so general opinion is 1 stone to 1 dress size - and the first initial one the hardest - :cry:eek:nwards and downwards weight wise then!!!