Extra Easy Days How to get back on track ?


Full Member
Since weigh in Thursday just been picking lots of rubbish which I haven't done since I started SW . Think the reason for this is in group this week lots of the other members were saying how they had managed to loose weight even though they had eaten lots of crap think this has had a negative effect on me and now think I can do the same . I know I should know better but I'm an emotional eater and this has messed my head up : ( Anyone felt or done the same also do you think if I stick to plan from tomorrow I can pull it back ? Thanks x

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I know exactly how u feel, as i am too an emotional eater. If it was me id be doing the same, thinking well if they can so can i.
Before doing sw i was on weight watchers for a long time, & the littlest things would throw me off plan. If im happy, i think oh sod it im happy i'll eat. But within a day or 2 im feeling so down and 'fat' so then i try to get bk on track, after a few days i start to get comfortable again & start pigging out & picking.
I think the best thing is, (1) either just get it out of your system before next weigh in & accept that you may not lose this week, or (2) draw a line under today & start completely fresh tomorrow, & if u stay the same atleast u know exactly why.
My biggest problem was if i ate bad i would keep it up until the day after my weigh in & start fresh. The weight quickly crept back on :( but ive learned from it & very annoyed with myself for it.

Hope it all goes ok x
I think doing this is natural and part of the SW journey. We are not robots and we are not all the same- you might show a gain, yes, but that will help cement an attitude to syns so that the next time someone says something similar ( and they will...) you can look into your bank of direct experience and say 'ok, they did this, but I know that I cannot, because when I did I gained.'

I remember someone on my group saying 'sometimes you just need to eat the croissant' and I took that as permission to binge and put on 3 lb! Now I can appreciate what she meant, (she meant ONE croissant, not five days of chocolate!) because my binge behaviour is lessening all the time thanks to SW.

I hope you can see this as valuable and necessary and get back on your path soon. X x