How to lie to the bathroom scales

I once spent about an hour trying on different things til I found the lightest outfit. I don't even wear socks to WI!

Taz, iv'e done that too! Get weighed in same clothes every week. xxx Loobylou
Its ok weighing in the same clothes every week but when you know you have had a bad week, you still look for something lighter LOL
Very true, I totally freaked out one week when I was running late and had to go to WI in my work clothes. It wasn't so much the uniform, I was wearing one of my heaviest bra's! How f***ed up is that? Ha ha
Hehehe, I know what you mean about bra's I've got one thats an ultra push up one - thing is it weighs a ton. I've considered whipping it off in the carpark before WI but I don't think the world is quite ready for that.
The one I have reserved for WI is lace and extemely light. I can't go without so it's the next best thing!