I did have porridge with raspberries, cherries and banana. Snack of necterine and pear. Finished the curry on a jacket spud. Debating between risotto or orzotto... risotto using orzo.
Still exhausted and yet another headache earlier. 2 people on the phone mentioned I sounded rough... that's a hint isn't it! Hopefully I'll feel better by the weekend. Might go to bridport now it says it isn't going to rain. Got the washing out now and waiting for Mr Tesco. Put all our pinecones we got at the weekend into one of my glass vases. The others are in a wire chicken. We love pinecones and conkers. I've a lovely conker display too. Free home accessories

keeps small hands busy too! Yesterday i picked up 2 pairs of trousers for Nate for £6 one pair are zara and I've seen their prices! I got him a long sleeve top from the charity shop as well as a glass jar and a pretty small green glass vase.

got to give them a good was but there are no chips or scratches.
Tomorrow is Nate's last day at one of his childminders. I've bought her a bottle of wine and chocolates

he had his jabs today poor lamb and I've asked about the chicken pox jab and if I decide to get him done she can order it in for me. It'll be about £35 but saves us from 2 weeks of Nate not at school, me not at work and the chance of mum getting shingles again. It has gone round his childminder and the preschool and he's not caught it yet. I think I will wait a month and then get him done just to make sure these two have gone through his system first. She said it'd be about 3 weeks. Got his 3.5 year development check appointment come through too. Hopefully stop mum calling him weird. He's only a little bit odd but they're all odd in different ways. Nate is very articulate which just means he can express his oddness is all! His appetite is funny though whelks, pickled turnip, all veg bar raw tomato, mussels, squid, in fact most food really! But I'm sure that's just because he has what I do. He still loves fish fingers sw chips and beans though.