
Also make sure you're not paying over the top. My sessions cost £35 each but some people charge a lot more I think. I've heard the mental gastric band is really effective too.
The local guy charges £45 for initial and £35 after that, if you contact his clinic direct and the holistic centre he has another clinic at charges £65 for initial and £45 after, I know which I'll be doing lol. Will have a word with my mum, I can't afford it just yet but she might give it a go.
Hi Surfhunny, I noticed you are on Cambridge and I don't know how that would work a my hypnotist said I had to give up all dieting. He told me that was the only conscious thing that I had to do. Maybe if you stopped buying the packs you could afford to go as it would probably only be for 3 sessions. Keep me posted anyway x
I was looking at it for after Cambridge really, need to get to my Cambridge target first then think about permanent solutions. My Cambridge target will still leave me with a BMI of 26, so will probably need to lower that somehow, which I why I thought about hypnotherapy.... More to address my food issues than as a weightless measure, I've probably got the wrong idea about it.
I'm sure it would do that perfectly. I did Cambridge although only for 6 weeks but when I came off it I just reverted to my old habits. There is no way Cambridge will work long term unless you totally change how and why you eat. But it will get you thin quickly for sure! I just couldn't do it as I felt very depressed when I was on it.
still enjoying the effects of the hypnosis! Lost more weight today but official weigh in tomorrow and will post then.
I've just searched this after reading this thread - very interesting and certainly something I may pursue.

The hypnotherapy gastric band description was amazing and certainly the results can't be argued with!!
Still plodding along with the hypnotherapy. I wouldn't say the results are drastic but there is still a steady change. There is no effort whatsoever to this, I love it, long may it continue!

Has anyone else tried gastric mind band yet? I would love to hear how you are getting on.
I bought an MP3 online and didn't find it very effective. I like hypnotherapy and was doing the Paul McKenna I can make you slim CDs but I was eating for emotional reasons I needed help with. Now I find that Mr McK works better for me. But I've not had the courage to totally ditch the ingrained feeling I now have that I 'should' be eating the Slimming World way so what I take from him is more the stopping when full side of it.

Sadly my MP3 player has died so I'm not doing anything like this atm.

I'm glad its working for you Broxi, and looking at your stats it really is.

Micci xxx
I rang and left a message on dr. chan's ans machine about 3 weeks ago, didnt hear from him and forgot to call back lol. Just looked up his number and have put into my cordless so all I have to do is hit redial at a more sociable hour (2.45am right now!):D

It sounds like youre making steady progress Broxi, wd!:) have your cravings (assuming you had any) gone? also have you stopped thinking about food, apart from when youre eating?
Hi ladies
I had 5 hypnotherapy sessions, first being just a consultation, then 3 sessions and the last being the gastric band one. The sessions changed the way I look at food and find I am unable to overeat now. Sadly the gastric band element didn't work for me as I am still eating more than I should be (with gastric band). I have however continued to lose weight so will stick with healthy eating plan and willpower. Also downloaded some mp3's to reinforce - can't say if they work or not to be honest.
Good luck everyone!
Surfhunny, I'm no expert on hypnotherapists so I don't know what to look out for. I suppose word of mouth; if you know anybody in your area has had success with one then I'd go for that. Why I tried mine was becaue I met a woman who had lost 4 and half stone with this hypnotist. He says to watch out for people who keep telling you to go back as you should only need 3 sessions, 4 at the most if there were problems. He said these people are just ripping you off. So here's hoping you find somebody. x

I am interested to know if hypnotherapist worked for you if so who it was as im not far from glasgow hope you dont mind me asking lesley
It's great to hear everyones stories. I go for my first hypnoband session on Wednesday. She says it'll be about 4 sessions and get 2 free CDs and that's costing me £75 a session. I'm looking forward to it and feeling positive. Will keep u posted :)
I have been to a hypnotherapist, too. Not specifically for weightloss though. I had 13 sessions and tbh I found myself questioning whether it worked or not. I knew on the 13th session that I had gone as far as I could with it.

I do think much more positively now and a lot of the procratination I used to 'indulge' in has gone. I now tend to look at each 'problem' as something to be solved as efficiently as possible and I think I have taken the final step and extended that to weightloss. I only joined SW 1.5 weeks ago so time will tell....
Hypnotherapy Not For Me!

I spent £400 on Hypnotherapy and kept falling asleep! Most expensive nap I've ever had!!!

Worked for a friend of mine.

Wouldn't encourage anyone to part with vast sums of money without a money back guarantee!!

I had the hypno band op end April. V fab results initially then plateauing...this is no magic pill for me but I have 3 decades of bad subconscious programming to undo.

The way I see it the hypnotherapy initially is powerful and it taught me portiion control. Then the old me started to take over but I am steadily wearing it down with a mix of behavioural changes (tiny bowl and min of 10 mins for meals) and self hypnosis.

Good tip - you naturally access the subconscious on waking and going to sleep so at these times daydream about being your ideal weight and see yourself eating thinking about your gastric band - see yourself having that control - and basically you instruct your subconscious to carry that out.

My changes are slow but permanant. I just think - where do I want to be in 2 years time?
Hi Lyn,

THis is my first time posting but just wanted to check how you got on with Stephen Chann as I am thinking of trying the hypno gastric band with him. Have been trying to research it and finding it difficult to know which therapist to choose? WOuld love to hear some feedback on this guy?
I had a couple of sessions a few years back and I found it really helped, I didnt have any more as I went away to Uni and I wish I had done. I think it is effective if you want it to be.
It took away the stress and obsessions with food for me.
I think I still struggle with many things, but there are many more things I have improved on.
Its well worth a go anyway!
Me and my Mum had hypnosis using groupon august 2011.. the lady told me that its normal to eat healthily and abnormal to eat unhealthily (as we tend to revert back to what is normal) also she re enforced in my mind that its ok to have a bad day now and again.. as long as I start a fresh in the morning (as before I would just say sod it and keep putting re starting off).. I've lost almost 5 stone up to yet.. have a few more to go.. only time will tell if its worked.. I think its helped