I am back and so so so happy!

Gahhh, my mum is driving me potty. We get on really well together but tonight she really got on my nerves. She lives abroad so I can only chat on the phone, which is why I try to be patient but...

I was showing her nice dresses I'd like to buy if I finally have a job. All she said was: "er... They look old!"

It's Topshop for crying out loud. And no, they won't look "old" on a young woman! I didn't tell her the last part because I know she'd have thought I was implying it'd look old on her (as she is, obviously, older!)

Now she kind of ruined my online browsing :( She is my most ardent "diet fan" and is so full of encouragement but she almost always criticises my (or my sister's, for that matter) tastes in clothes, make-up and even interior design. :rolleyes: Maybe I'll be like that one day :D

Oh boy, I am so so so hungry, it's crazy. I don't know why I am so hungry, tummy rumbling and everything. I am in ketosis and I had a tetra an hour ago! I might have to go and take a nice long hot shower... :0bathtime:

Do you know if it's easy to return clothes if you buy them online? I'm interested in a dress in the Topshop TALL range but I don't fancy taking the train into London and then the bus to Oxford Street...

I don't understand, this hunger won't go away and I have tried all my usual tips: water, a glass of coke zero, I even boiled myself an egg (I'm on Step 2). But no!

On the plus side, I went into town today and decided to browse the charity shops. Now, for a long time, I wouldn't understand people's fascination with charity shops nor how they could manage to find such bargains. So today, when I ventured into one and found 2skirts for under £7, I was happy :D And you know what, the smaller you are, the more choice there is! Maybe I'm going to become a charity shop shopper now!

Anyone shops at charity shops too?
And this is why you shouldn't weigh everyday... Why can't I follow my own advice? I have put on 4oz despite being 100% faithful to Step 2. Reason? TOTM is fast approaching and I always struggle the week before (water retention anyone?) :rolleyes: So that put me in a bad mood. Plus it looks like I have not be shortlisted for a job I wanted and I'm going to spend today alone again. I hate the fact that my husband works shifts :( I hate it, hate it, hate it.

I'm going out later in the day to try to get some plants for the garden. There is a sale near my house. Usually, I'd get al excited but I really struggle at the moment. My mood really plummets the week before my TOTM and apparently, it is quite common. Sorry if tmi! :eek:

And latest problem: my phone deleted all my contacts. Yep, you've heard it correctly. I turned it on yesterday morning and...nothing. My husband has now installed something for backing up my contacts, don't really know what it is.

Is anyone else having a better Sunday morning?
Another day starts and PMS is making me feel completely miserable. I don't know if I'm just imagining it but 2-3 days before my period starts, I am feeling really depressed. And I mean really. The tiniest of things feels like a huge chore to do and the smallest of problems becomes the bane of my life. Right now, I'm crying just thinking how I felt last night and all night... Nightmares, very dark thoughts... Am I just imagining it? As soon as my period starts, I can feel an immediate improvement in my mood, it's surreal. If it's happened to you, please share with me, even by PM is you don't want to write publicly.

Anyway, I'm still in bed and it's 8.30. I have a million thesis things waiting for me and that I can't delay. Even something that I usually enjoy (research) becomes a chore. Tomorrow is WI day and I know I'll have barely lost because I'm retaining water like a camel. All around my belly. I have an important career appointment soon and I still need to find a smart top to go with one of the skirts I found in a charity shop. Everything I own is just so big, I have almost emptied my wardrobe yesterday and have 2 bags full of clothes for charity. Thing is, I have almost nothing left for formal occasion (as in work occasion). If I can shake this lethargic feeling, I my go to town again. I think the walk will do me good, releasing endorphins and all that.

I must sound very whiney to you. I can understand why you'd think that. I can barely recognise myself as it is!

I hope everyone is in a better mood? Is anyone still reading this long chain of moaning posts? :D
That's it, I have taken the plunge. I have decided (and added on the left hand side) my ideal target weight. It is 160lbs and would give me a BMI of 23 something.

It may not seem much to people reading this but it is a giant step for me. Indeed, I have been repeated many time (included by my CDC!) that I probably shouldn't go much lower than a BMI 24... That I may even find that a BMI 25-26 is the best I could be... All these comments put together acted like some sort of drip on me... By now, I believe them when they say it... Which means that I am not very confident about reaching this target of mine. BUT after reading stories of other tall women easily reaching 160lbs (and who were told the same as me), I'm starting to think that maybe I could try! Nothing is preventing me! What could happen anyway? Yes, I am broad shouldered and yes I know I'll never have a BMI of 20 as I'm not a willowy person at all. But come on, I'm not a gorilla either!!! And I'm turning 30, not 60! So why are people so adamant my chosen target weight would be too low?

Also, it's so weird to be thinking about target weight when for so long I was longing to be overweight! Seeing it written in my stats, with the amount of weight left to lose... 2st8lbs... That's "nothing" in the grand scheme of things.

You'll also noticed that I have set my deadline for Christmas. I obviously hope to reach this weight before Christmas, but in the deadline, I have included some buffer for maintenance, as I know this is going to be hard.

Wish me luck :)
Hello everyone reading this thread :)

Another 3lbs gone this week and I have to say I'm pretty chuffed. Indeed, my TOTM are almost here and the week before is always a nightmare weight wise. So I count myself happy.

I have also noticed that on minimins, my BMI is slightly lower than on my scales: I like that :D (not by much mind you, but I'll take that!)

So I have lost 9lbs since I went back on the diet 4 weeks ago, and that included a week off plan while in France. Not bad for Step 2! I'm hoping it remains regular as I am prone to plateaus and these just really depress me. I almost gave up in the middle of a long one last time I did CD. I'll settle for 3lbs a week, thank you very much :D

If anyone is reading this, please come and say a quick hello :) The weather forecast is pretty awful for today and I have to go out in all my refinery for a meeting... Let's hope it doesn't rain when I am out and about. I like dressing up once in a while. For those who don't know, I'm a student at the moment and I don't get to dress smartly that often! And I don't mean in cliché corduroy jackets with patches at the elbows and tweed skirts, hehe.

I have to get up now, wish me luck! We're leaving at 10am but I'd rather be ready early!
Impressive!!! Great inspiration. What is the longest time you've been continually on SS?
Hi Book worm I've been reading your posts! Well Done so far, you've done amazingly!!

I'm doing full LL at the moment and in my third week with 11lb down. I'd be really interested to know the sort of things you eat daily with SS2, as I would love to swop over and start having a little meal at night. Also your losses are the same as full on no food too? Do you keep yourself in Ketosis too? Sorry for all the questions just something I've been thinking about :)
Hi Bookworm - yes i'm here stalking you!! well done for 3lbs off ;-) I don't know how you could do Step 2 - far too much will power for me. Funny how different levels work for different people. I hate plateaus too - but i remember last time round reading something about its not about what you weigh but whether your have stuck to the diet 100% - thats all you can control, not what those pesky scales say - thats what helps me!
Hi Book worm I've been reading your posts! Well Done so far, you've done amazingly!!

I'm doing full LL at the moment and in my third week with 11lb down. I'd be really interested to know the sort of things you eat daily with SS2, as I would love to swop over and start having a little meal at night. Also your losses are the same as full on no food too? Do you keep yourself in Ketosis too? Sorry for all the questions just something I've been thinking about :)

Hi Kathrine, thank you for posting :) On Step 2, I eat a lot of eggs and quorn because I'm a vegetarian. My favourite recipe is the stuffed mushroom with cottage cheese and herbs (and sometimes, when I'm naught, some grated cheddar on top :eek: ) I have also become an expert at omelette: foo yang, tortillas (without the potatoes): you name it, I do it :D But lately, I have become quite bored with eating the same things over and over again as there are only so many ways to work with staples when on a restricted diet. Are there any interesting recipes circulating on the LL boards? I ought to go and see!

I only did SS for 2 weeks at the beginning, the first time I did CWP so I couldn't tell you really if the losses are the same. All I know is that if you average what I have lost so far, it's roughly 12lbs a month so a little less than the 1stone a month for SS. I am in full ketosis as well. I was quite surprised actually and only noticed it when I used a ketostix. During my brief encounter with SS, the symptoms of ketosis were much much stronger. On Step 2, I barely notice them.

How much longer would you like to be on SS with LL? xxx

Hi Bookworm - yes i'm here stalking you!! well done for 3lbs off ;-) I don't know how you could do Step 2 - far too much will power for me. Funny how different levels work for different people. I hate plateaus too - but i remember last time round reading something about its not about what you weigh but whether your have stuck to the diet 100% - thats all you can control, not what those pesky scales say - thats what helps me!

Hi Bessie :) Yay, I have a stalker, hehe. I know that if I plateau, it has nothing to do with me. But, you know, I get very tempted to cheat then :eek: I love my Step 2. I tend to prepare in advance so I don't get carried away. It allows me to eat with my husband when he is at home in the evening :) I love it! And it means people don't need to know I'm on a diet. If I go out, I just choose an omelette/salad :D
Ummmh omelettes, stuffed mushrooms sounds yummy!!!!

Not sure as to time frame, I would ideally like to lose 4 stone, I've managed to shift 16.5lbs from January so if I could get down to 12 stone I would be over the moon. Just a size 14 would do me lovely!

I've got a big event planned for 20th June so I would really like to SS until at least the 17th, then have a couple of days of introducing food then BAM a whole day off the wagon. I ideally would love to be another stone lighter by then, which with just 5 weeks could be doableish?! After that I think I might swop over to Cambridge and SS2 like you. Sounds much more enjoyable. Its the weekends and evenings that I struggle the most, all day at work is OK. Just would like to sit down to a meal at night with my husband. It does make me laugh though as not once in the last 3 weeks has any of my children not noticed that I've not eaten & I've taken them to McDonalds twice in that period!

I would love to be 12 stone or lighter by my youngest 5th Birthday in August! That would be a dream x
Ummmh omelettes, stuffed mushrooms sounds yummy!!!!

Not sure as to time frame, I would ideally like to lose 4 stone, I've managed to shift 16.5lbs from January so if I could get down to 12 stone I would be over the moon. Just a size 14 would do me lovely!

I've got a big event planned for 20th June so I would really like to SS until at least the 17th, then have a couple of days of introducing food then BAM a whole day off the wagon. I ideally would love to be another stone lighter by then, which with just 5 weeks could be doableish?! After that I think I might swop over to Cambridge and SS2 like you. Sounds much more enjoyable. Its the weekends and evenings that I struggle the most, all day at work is OK. Just would like to sit down to a meal at night with my husband. It does make me laugh though as not once in the last 3 weeks has any of my children not noticed that I've not eaten & I've taken them to McDonalds twice in that period!

I would love to be 12 stone or lighter by my youngest 5th Birthday in August! That would be a dream x

Hi Kathrine! Losing a stone in a month is totally possible with diets like LL, CWP, Slim & Save etc. Especially as you're doing SS! So I think you should have that as a medium term goal, maybe even create a little ticker to record your progress toward June 17th. That's what I'm doing with my own medium goal. Although I don't have a deadline, I'd like a healthy BMI for my sister's birthday in August. It does help and keeps you on your toes because I like seeing the ticker gooing closer and closer to the end line :D

I do love my little meal. I know CWP also has some ready meals that you can eat in the evening although I think they're more for Step 3 people? Slim &Save does some interesting ones. All chemicals, of course, but in the short term, it does help! Instead of cheating you can prepare a nice little meal, with a salad and Bob's your uncle :)

To get to 12st by August, you'd have to lose about 3st if I am not mistaken? Totally achievable although I find it harder to diet during the summer holidays. I go and visit my family abroad and the food is so nice, it's really tempting and I often give into temptation :eek:

Do you have a counsellor with LL or is it on your own? xxx
Another day and so many temptations. TOTM is almost here and PMS is in full swing. It's actually worse when I'm dieting because I cannot comfort eat! I'm trying to find other ways to vent my mood swings but it's not easy. My poor husband :eek: It also means that I find all food extremely attractive right now. Even the rabbits' pellets... :rolleyes: I'm home and I'm supposed to work on a chapter but oh my, I struggle! So I'm watching Embarrassing Fat Bodies instead... It does serve as a good deterrent but I can't help but feel really sad for the people struggling with their weight. And not in a smug kind of way. I mean it is quite distressing because it used to be me. :( All these wonderful people and their family facing a premature death because of their weight... I can feel the tears coming right now...

OK, let's shake this feeling and let's think about positive things. I realised that my last pair of trousers (bought in Primark a month ago) are now definitely too big. :D And so are most of my tops... The charity shop will be very happy with me! :D It means going for another pair very soon because I live in either dresses or jeans. And at the moment, given the weather, I'd rather wear jeans!

I have also noticed that my leggings are really baggy even when just washed. Baggy leggings ladies? Nope, leggings have to be tights :) I'll keep a pair to use in the garden or when doing DIY though.

I am also starting to let my nails grow. Now I have been a nail biter all my life so I can't promise as much success as on the diet but I'm trying. It's hard though!!!

How is everyone?
Another day and so many temptations. TOTM is almost here and PMS is in full swing. It's actually worse when I'm dieting because I cannot comfort eat! I'm trying to find other ways to vent my mood swings but it's not easy. My poor husband :eek: It also means that I find all food extremely attractive right now.

OMG tell me about it! My PMS is awful, much worse than usual. I had to step out of the house yesterday I was fit to burst!! I think my husband thinks its the diet (as thats what he puts everything down too - even though I was lower when I was stuffing my chops with everything in sight!) He doesn't understand the 'monthly!'.

I do have a LLC but have only met her once, I drop in and get weighed and packs with her helper, as the time suits me best & to be honest I can't do the whole meeting thing! (I know I could be doing cheaper diet without the counselling but at the moment it suits my mum and she's paying for me! Lucky me, but only for a month)
My husband is the same. Bless him, he really does try to sympathise but sometimes you just can't. I feel like I could eat for 2 when I'm on PMS or periods. So restricting my diet to 3 tetras and one meal a day... Anyway, it's almost over for another month now :D

It was my birthday a few days ago and I had a blast! I ate a little too much but the weight is all gone now. I'm getting good at this, going back on track after a day off. It's been really really really hard but I am in the zone now :D

My mother-in-law is coming today for tea. I have muffins and cupcakes at the ready but I can use the excuse of my birthday's excesses to avoid the cakes :) She knows I'm dieting. Everyone knows it. But no one apart from my parents, sister and husband (and you lovely ladies :D ) knows that I'm doing a meal replacement diet. This diet is hard enough without having to justify myself!

How is everyone doing? It looks rather quiet on the threads I follow :)
Hi bookworm. Things good at the minute! Been on SS since Friday & weigh in Thursday morning. I might eat Sunday evening as its my dads birthday but going to stick to chicken & salad. And like you want to get straight back on track the next day!!! Totm is here so daren't step on the scales for a few days!!

Start weight 16 stone 8.5 lbs
Messed about with WW
Start LL 29.4.13 16st 3 lbs
WK 1 - 8lbs
WK2 - 3lbs
WK2.5 - started CD lost another 2lbs

Total 18.5 lbs
Hi bookworm. Things good at the minute! Been on SS since Friday & weigh in Thursday morning. I might eat Sunday evening as its my dads birthday but going to stick to chicken & salad. And like you want to get straight back on track the next day!!! Totm is here so daren't step on the scales for a few days!!

Start weight 16 stone 8.5 lbs
Messed about with WW
Start LL 29.4.13 16st 3 lbs
WK 1 - 8lbs
WK2 - 3lbs
WK2.5 - started CD lost another 2lbs

Total 18.5 lbs

I know what you mean about not wanting to face the scales! I feel like I'm being hauled in front of the headmaster every time I have to face this thing :eek: Even if I know I have been on plan all week, I still worry that I'll somehow put 6st back on, that it was just a nice dream anyway and I am still obese :rolleyes: Let us know how your official WI goes!

As for making allowance for family function: it is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. I do it if I have a birthday or family meal and go back to the diet immediately. It is really hard but it seems to give my body a boost: how strange!
-3lbs this week, and this is despite a birthday that saw me go a bit berserk (birthday cake anyone? :eek: ) I am all the more happy that it means I have already reached one of my mini goals of getting rid of half a stone. AND (and this is big for me!), my BMI is now 27 something :D

I am off to update my stats on here now, and look at it in amazement for the next hour :D I still can't believe I have lost so much. I found an old pair of jeans, size 24, the other day. I really ought to post a pic of me fitting in one leg!


ETA: I have realised I am only 2st away from my ultimate goal weight! And 'only' 20lbs from being a normal weight. The first time I did the diet, when I was really heavy, losing 20lbs didn't change my figure much. I imagine it'll be quite different this time. After I have lost 20lbs, my body will really have changed... I just can't picture it...

ETA (again :D ) I have just realised that if I lose 6 more lbs, I will have lost 100lbs since my heaviest! The mind boggles... :confused:
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Oh and I forgot to tell you all about my latest achievement... I bought a size 14 jacket from H&M :) And it fits so nicely. I never could buy anything formal in H&M or other normal shops when I was obese. I know they all do bigger sizes but the clothes just didn't hang right. My body could fit in them but they were clearly not designed to flatter lager ladies' figures. Now that I am slimmer, the clothes seem to hang much much much better. I do look quite smart in my H&M jacket, though I say so myself. I don't look dowdy like I used to when fatter. Does that make sense? Do you feel like that too?