There it is the big math problem we need to solve, God or universe or whatever has chosen us to solve this problem, I think while you talk to me loudly you hear your self talk about your issues so far I've found out that deep down you want to lose weight fast to be that thin lady who drinks lots of wine no judgment, you told your story let me tell you mine, I was this obese IT genius that all he thought about was 6 figures income which I achieved in a very young age, I used to eat 2 16 inches pizzas with 2 family sized sodas yet hungry guilt free

I didn't want to lose weight because I've failed many times and I enjoyed every meal, my brother bought this dog which he could not keep and I was afraid of dogs, "there it was that 10 seconds which changed my life" I've decided to go ahead and hug the dog I loved her and she loved me back the way that I never felt before, I adopted her and fortunately I have ended up with a hyper active dog that didn’t accept any walker and bite them all, vets told me that I have to take her for walks myself three times a day, I started with 10 minutes walks and she wasn't even half tired so I went for longer walks there I realized that along these walks my clothes are getting lose then people told me
you are losing weight and I went up to the scale and realized that wow I have lost a lot of weight there I've decided to become that six packs guy which I see in magazines, I found out how I most diet and exercise, I still cheat and don't stick to plans I still enjoy pizzas I still love being drunk and every body loves these things, I'm trying not to call my diet by names because every diet has it's own restrictions palio, keto, juice fast, intimitant fasting, lipotrim and..., I eat every thing but less I walk 9 miles and I workout with weights and it brought me a lot of results,
Tell me two things first do you miss wine? And what do you think about my story?