Good morning all! Well, I've officially lost the weight gained on the trip, so now it's onwards. Had a killer headache yesterday, but i trudged on, and today things are a bit clearer.
I really should step down on doctoring. And I have to be honest, I haven't been 100% with my water.
Hi Dinma, hope things are good with you! Good decision - I find I doctor things only if truly unpalatable, remember it's not normal food nor is it ever meant to be. To me it's a daily reminder as to why I'm doing this, that being said I tend to stick to things I like.
I'll try everything once, but there are some things I'll NEVER eat again: (i'm also glad exante ran out of flapjacks, I had ordered a box of those as everyone seems to have confirmed their foulness, I don't think I'll even try those)..
1. The soft bars - the texture feels like sand and the taste is either non existant or too artificial
2. The shepherd's pie - just no
3. The breakfast eggs bacon & cheese YACK YACK YACK!!
I'm not crazy about the soups esp anything with mushroom as they tend to push the artificial flavoring a bit too much... soups in general are not my go to food in normal life, so i don't expect it to change on the diet - though i heard the red thai soup is excellent
I've yet to try the sausage, the pizza - though i heard they're pretty good. I like the pot meals just for their "easy to carry and fix at the office" - I went off the daal as it is bland, but the green thai is pretty good if you like spicy food - the texture is hit or miss though
I do have to add, that their visuals on the site are sooo false. If anyone's ever had the red bean chili look like theirs, please share!