Hmm ATM.... I've got the strangest mental picture of you and your family now!!!! lol. Bless ya!!!
Katie's right, your Leader sounds rubbish. It's weird she told you to do the fast start cos my last Leader told me the total Opposite! lol
She said "Don't bother with the Fast Start, it's a load of old rubbish and you'll have a big enough loss without it!" And she was right I did have a good loss without doing it.
But then saying that, Weight Watchers must of invented the fast Start for a reason. And I bet if WW Head Quarters knew she'd said that to me, they wouldn't be too happy! lol.
Anyway I'm glad things are going better now Hun!!!! I hope you keep at it. I'm personally having a major 'blip' today, so reading how motivated you are at the mo, has really spurred me on for tomorrow!!!
Love Vicky