I can't afford to eat anymore anyway...

I am an excellent babysitter as long as they don't wake up.

I never wash up unless it is fairy due to my tender pinkies....
what a nightmare! but next we have to ask.. how much did you pay for the air con??? :p
OMG 5 grand!!!! For that price I'd want the bloody air con to load the dishwasher!
Yeah but in the summer it was just sooooooooooooo bloody lovely in here!!
Hey Mike,

Just a suggestion, but along the line of 'Piercegate' last week in the chatroom (the boy is probably still traumatised by the experience! haha!) why don't you rent yourself out to each bidder and get as much dosh as poss to pay your lecky bill?

That way you get to fill everyone's requirements, pay your debt at the same time:) travel the country, meet new people etc etc.......:D
LMAO! Great idea!