Hi Snozzberry,
Well done for your great weight loss so far. Yes, I know what you mean, the EE is definitely easier in terms of remembering what you can and can't have. You made me laugh about the chips lurking in the oven!
I kept getting confused with red and EE. I'd often start on red in the day and end up on EE! If I can get the balance right on EE I will be more than happy as you can actually EAT on this plan. Have spent years counting bloomin' points, calories, carbs, on WW, Dukan, starving, fasting 5:2 etc.yawn yawn. I'd spend hours in the supermarket looking at the back of packets! Crikey, such an effort all the time-I had brain scramble ! I was beginning to not know what to do anymore.
I feel better now. SW feels more "normal" and that it can become a "way of life" not another fad diet I cannot sustain.