I did it. I messed up. Now im back...


Silver Member
Well I'm proud to say that I got from a size 22 to a size 14 (and even bought a size 12 dress once!) over a long journey, with SW helping me from when I hit an 18 (so wish I'd found it sooner!). Managed to last about a year in a size 14 - got married in September wearing a size 14 dress and loved every second of it! Since then I've literally binged on everything and have put on enough weight that nothing fits properly and I'm starting to dig out those old comfy clothes in a 16/18. Too scared to weigh myself. Hating myself for it so figure I need to get back on it as soon as I can. Which is today. I've had a crazy few months with moving house twice and getting married and buying a house falling through and a rough time at work but I need to stop using those things as excuses - shoving food in my mouth isn't going to solve any of those problems.

I loved minimins previously and found it really helpful so I figure I'll start a new diary and give it another go. Have dug out the scales from one of the many boxes and now just need to find the battery.....

Oh yeah and weigh ins will be Tuesday mornings. Wish me luck! X
It's time to put that anger to good use! You know you can do this - and you know that SW is the plan to help you - so time to draw a line under all of those negative thoughts, let's find some positive vibes and get back to a slimmer you.
Please let us know how we can help you.
Tina x
Well today was pretty good. 16 syns so not ideal but one over and I counted so I'm pleased with myself. Planning ahead really is the key for me - had a tub of pineapple ready for when sweet cravings came which was perfect. Didn't make it to the gym thanks to the craziness of work which is frustrating as I love my gym sessions but never mind. And actually although I planned an EE day I ended up green but only had 1 of each of my hexs. As tempted as I am to go and make a slice of cheese on toast there is no point as I know I'm not hungry. Let's see if I keep this up...! X