I failed - I just can't do Total Solution!

Hi Flumpy

I am doing my training with Exante tomorrow, so i will ask about what you can eat as a veggie on Working and will let you know. I think the veggie sausages and burgers might be ok, but will depend on the carbs per 100g. Have a look at what they are let me know and I will get back to you on it.

Do you eat fish?
How are you getting on with the Working Solution now Lisa?

Flumpy, I asked about foods for you as a veggie when I did my training on Friday. Do you eat fish? If not then tofu and quorn are fine for protein, but you could also check the carbs on the veggie sausages. So long as they are around low in carbs, then you could give them a go and see how you get on. Check the calories also!
How are you getting on with the Working Solution now Lisa?

Flumpy, I asked about foods for you as a veggie when I did my training on Friday. Do you eat fish? If not then tofu and quorn are fine for protein, but you could also check the carbs on the veggie sausages. So long as they are around low in carbs, then you could give them a go and see how you get on. Check the calories also!

Overate this weekend, Sarah! :(
I haven't had any wild binges or anything. Just the odd Atkins bar too much here and there. I'm now eating an Exante bar cos I really want something sweet! But this is over and above my quota for the day.

I have been struggling a bit this weekend. I'll be back in the office tomorrow so hopefully that will help me control my eating urges! :break_diet:

Hope your weekend has gone better than mine. :)
Ah try not to worry about it. At least Atkins bars are low in carbs. I am sure you will still have a good loss this week. Just try to stay on track as of tomorrow.